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GRIM #11 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: BOOM! Studios)

GRIM #11BOOM! Studios

Creative: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast via Nerd Initiative!

For this entry, the coolest book at the local comic shop returns via BOOM! Studios. Since its’ debut the horror saga of the afterlife’s favorite reaper made a huge impact on fans with its’ incredible storytelling and art.

It may sound like a broken record at this stage but this series is so much more than just a comic. It is a whole vibe. GRIM #11 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano brings Jessica Harrow back to New Comic Book Day with a new chapter kicking off! Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up in the return, shall we?


Who would have thought one lost soul would have caused this much trouble? This is probably what reaper Jessica Harrow is thinking as her (after)life has been turned upside down and then some. After trying to bring a soul to the afterlife, it escapes and she somehow crosses over into the land of the living to redeem it.

GRIM #11 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: BOOM! Studios)

Along with her friends Eddie and Marcel, Jessica searches out to find out the mystery behind her. Adira, current ruler of the afterlife and her aunt, is none too pleased with Jessica’s curiosity into the matter and has set out to stop her once and for all.

The search has led to the revelation Jessica is the daughter of Death! When the happy reunion goes down in Las Vegas, an entity known as The End looks stop Jessica. An epic battle takes place with Death’s demise in its aftermath.


Now banished into the land of the living, Jessica and her friends try adjusting. That plan goes out the window when people can no longer die and Jessica appears to be the cause!

Denying a legacy laid out by the Sisters of Fate, Jessica’s actions lead to more trouble when it results in Marcel going to Hell. Jessica and Eddie are captured by fellow reaper Annabel, who betrays Jessica and has cut a deal with Adira.

Oh yeah, let’s not forget Jessica’s mother Lilah is out of jail and now a guest of the entity known as Life.

GRIM #11 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: BOOM! Studios)

This issue opens up with the Sisters of Fate recapping events in their own way. Meanwhile Annabel is meeting with Adira and Kelly (the devil responsible for Marcel’s current situation) about their barging. The soul exchange isn’t what Adira wants as she appears tentative to unleash that person back. Kelly sways the choice and starts the process.


All the while, Life is continuing his pursuit of an amulet in Lilah’s possession. Offering the world might now be enough, but something else is shown and the reaction screams from the page!

As for our favorite reaper, Jessica and Eddie are in their prison with tensions mounting. Things look hopeless until a surprise figure appears with a deal that readers won’t believe when they see it!

Who is Annabel trying to unleash? Will Lilah give up the amulet? And what about that final page?! Grim is back in a big way with much for readers to talk about!

GRIM #11 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: BOOM! Studios)


BREAKDOWN: Phillips wastes no time in bring in the tension and turmoil for the return. Adira’s manipulations have been one of the book’s strongest key points. Seeing how she reacts to when Annabel turns the tables on the deal made for an interesting dynamic to the overall picture.

Life and Lilah’s portion of the book added another layer of mystery as Lilah’s true intentions have never been fully exposed, but readers get a small crack into where she’s leaning.

There have now been a few examples that Jessica is still reeling from events and needs reassurance for what she’s doing. The banter between Jessica and Eddie fully displayed the pressure Jessica puts on herself and eventual start of her road to achieving her destiny.


GRIM #11 by Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: BOOM! Studios)

It’s another quality element to her story that connects with fans. Jessica is far from perfect but perfect enough to root for where she’s going.

Flaviano and Renzi remind fans why Grim is more than a book, it’s a whole vibe with the art in this issue. Starting from the Sisters of Fate’s intro, the visuals of the painting and the statues make a big statement from the jump. It gives readers a feel of how fate is playing Chess with all the characters.

The depiction of Eddie and Jessica’s prison is another fantastic visual that readers will be blown away by. As great as that is, just wait for the two-page spread with Life’s surroundings! The masterful artwork displayed each issue never lets up and that’s such a win for fans. Excellent full page panel to send readers home to the next issue on.


The coolest book at the Local Comic Shop returns in a big way with Grim #11. The story being weaved by Phillips’ incredible writing is is perfectly matched with the astounding artwork of Flaviano and Renzi, bringing fans into the next phase of an already must-have series! Don’t miss picking this issue up on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know what you thought of Grim #11. Thanks for reading Parlay Points On Nerd Initiative!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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