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Tag: indie comic books

Renner, a thriller featuring Frankie Muniz as a computer genius, explores the complexities of artificial intelligence and human emotion through a gripping narrative.
With Bluey and the cuteness overload, one would think that's it's not possible to get 'Bluey' fatigue - but alas, it's possible (or maybe it's just me). I think it's more that the clips are so...

Damn Them All #8 – More Demons, More Mystery

This is a supernatural detective story with no shortage of twists and turns. So if you like magic and mystery then you are going to fall in love with this series for sure...

The Cull #2 review – What Is “God?”

This is a series on par with anything Image has put out in the past. If the story continues at the pace and depth it’s currently at then I foresee this being “the next big thing” in comic books...

Project: Cryptid #1 – Yetis & Death Worms

If you are into cryptids, then I have a book for you this week on new comic book day! This new series from Ahoy Comics is an anthology series...

Firefly: The Fall Guys #1 – Crime Of The Century

Luckily for us, Boom! Studios is here keeping the fire burning for Firefly fans both new and old. We may not be getting any new episodes any time soon, but we can rest easy...

WAG #1 (Comixology Originals) – Can society survive without tech?

If I had to sum up this first issue in one sentence: Jason Bourne in the apocalypse with no technology, some mental health issues and childhood trauma, with a touch of the supernatural. At this point, I have no clue how much is spot on, and how much is just yet to be uncovered...

The Gimmick #6 – Pro-Wrestling, Drama and Corruption

A hard hitting drama with intrigue and comedy sprinkled throughout makes for something new and refreshing on comic store shelves this week...

Alice Never After #2 – Further Down The Rabbit Hole

It’s someone who Alice herself banished from Wonderland forever after the defeat of the previous Queen. The Cheshire Cat has returned, and he is asking the court for re-entry to Wonderland...

Black’s Myth: The Key To His Heart #3 – Noir Storytelling…With Monsters!

Palicki is crafting a top tier detective story with this series. Each issue leaves you wanting more... The art from Cavalcanti and lettering from Steen add to the noir feel of the entire series. Black and white was a fantastic choice for this detective series...

The Schlub #1 – Action & Humor In One

Roger picks up this relic and examines it for a moment. Cirrus and Wyrm both look on in horror as Roger makes yet another bad choice for himself and others...

The Shadows of Thule (Part 2 of 2) – An Epic Graphic Novel Fit For Cinema

Nearly 20 years later, we see a Gaelic boy named Calum, running through the forest, cradling a baby in his arms. He trips and falls, and then finds himself face to face with a Pict hunter...

The Shadows of Thule (Part 1 of 2) – An Epic Graphic Novel Fit For Cinema

The book begins by telling us a legend of the origins of the Picts in Scotland. It says that originally, a race of giants from the island...

Damn Them All No.7 – Angels Demons and Sigils

Issue 7 kicks off with ground tremors, greenhouse shattering and Angels appearing in West London. Ellie is fast asleep...

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