In Batman and Robin #15, Bruce Wayne and Damian face one of their most intense challenges yet, but this time without the safety net of their costumes or gadgets. What begins as a routine charity event...
The quest for power fuels and faults most Decepticons. Starscream is the perfect example of power corrupted. In his blind journey to rule, he has been ousted by Soundwave. His robotic body broken.
Left for dead,...
The Savage Strength Of Starstorm #5 by Image Comics
Creative: Drew Craig and Jason Finestone
Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book...
The Savage Strength of StarStorm #4 by Image Comics
Creative: Drew Craig and Jason Finestone
Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic...
Local Man: Gold by Image Comics
Creative: Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, and Felipe Sobrerio
Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book...
NO/ONE #5 - Image Comics and Black Market Narrative
CREATIVE: Kyle Higgins, Brian Buccellato, Geraldo Borges, Mark Englert & Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Welcome to an all new edition of...
House Of Slaughter #16 by BOOM! Studios
Creative: Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, and AndWorld Design along with Series development from James Tynion IV...
Creative: Joshua Williamson, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Casper Wijngaard, Frank Martin and Troy Peteri
Welcome to an all new edition...
Creative: Joshua Williamson, Mahmud Asrar, Edwin Galmon, Caitlin Yarsky, Max Raynor, Jack Herbert, Dave McCaig, Alex Guimarães and...