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PHANTOM ROAD #3 – One Long Road


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PHANTOM ROAD #3 Image Comics

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Creative Team: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast via Nerd Initiative!

For this entry, we are riding shotgun along the horror on the highway as Image Comics’ latest hit keeps rolling along! PHANTOM ROAD #3 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands furthers the mystery behind the supernatural sci-fi road Dom and Birdie now travel on.

Let’s take a deeper dive on the latest chapter, shall we?


How We Got Here

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Fate has taken a truck driver named Dom and a crash survivor named Birdie & made them an unlikely duo connected to a mysterious object. This object appears to have crossed them into a mirrored dimension with faceless figures trying to acquire what they possess. Last issue sent the pair to a truck stop with a mysterious figure being very cryptic about what the truth is.

The truck stop itself seemed suspicious as well, with the pair leaving and appearing to be back to their rightful time. However, things have changed with the pair being in pain when separated from the object and a killed faceless being turning into a human form. Now law enforcement are closing in to investigate, Dom and Birdie are searching for answers and dodging the law.

Down The Road

This issue opens up with FBI agent Theresa Weaver arriving on the scene. She immediately takes over the case from the local officers, who appear to be in way over their heads. Weaver takes some pictures of the scene and breaks down the victim’s remains.

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Leaving the scene, Weaver is in contact with her supervisor going over notes. Readers clearly see that the FBI knows more about what is going on than they’re letting on. At her hotel room, she is visited by Deputy Dunn, who informs her of the initial accident involving Birdie.

Once at the scene, Weaver starts adding things up. Readers start getting more pieces of the puzzle revealed as Weaver furthers her investigation. The final act shows Weaver’s connection to the case might not be as cut and dry as is let on. That said, no one is expecting what unfolds in the closing moments. The mystery surrounding the object has just begun.

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Story Review

Lemire takes the lead characters out for this issue and devotes the time to establishing Agent Weaver to the audience. Weaver comes across as a no-nonsense agent but as things move on, Lemire sets up the slow reveal, attaching her to what is going on with Dom and Birdie.

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

The overall story had some clues revealed but still has fans guessing at what the true nature of things are. The pacing was fine as the “day in the life” model for Weaver worked to connect her to the readers. The closing sequence was a solid surprise and threw more mystery onto an already growing tale.

Artwork Overview

Walta and Bellaire keep the gritty and dark feel of the story going even without Dom or Birdie involved. The mannerisms of Agent Weaver play into her familiarity with the case at hand without tipping off too much.

The interactions with the locals establish this quickly carrying through to the panels with Deputy Dunn. The closing sequence gave this issue a kick of excitement with a strong simple panel to put a closing on the transpiring events.


Lemire, Walta and the team put the spotlight on a character adding a new element to an already combustible situation. Solid storytelling and artwork keep things rolling as the highway to horror shifts gears into a new lane for readers to follow. 

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #3. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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