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Tag: image

We’re diving back into the gritty, neon-drenched streets of Night City with “Cyberpunk 2077: Psycho Squad.” After the critical success of the 'Cyberpunk 2077' video game and the 'Cyberpunk: Edgerunners' series, returning to this universe is...
Last we saw Tariq Geiger; he was having a complete meltdown. As Nate sprung into action to save his friend, did he make it in time? And if he did, was it a savior they found? Geiger...

Scarlett #3 dives into the action!

Scarlett has lept into issue 2 with so much depth to follow up with an action-packed blink, and you'll miss it story takes you...

Feral Chapter 5: FALL in love with this issue!

Image Comics has a surefire hit here! If you haven't been reading this series, you are in for a treat! With this issue being...

Scarlett Leaps into Issue #2

WOW! Can you believe that first issue of Scarlett?! The team over at Skybound/Image isn't messing around and keeps going at a breakneck pace,...

The White Trees- A New Lionhearted Adventure

Creative Team- Chip Zdarsky(script). Kris Anka(line art). Matt Wilson(color art). Aditya Bidikar(letter art). Allison O'Toole(editing). Erika Schnatz(production artist) Published By Image Comics Hey! Be sure to...

Top 10 Most Anticipated Comics for the Week of 2/7/2024

Another stacked week of comics this week. Chris Claremont is coming back to Wolverine but I could not find room for it on the...


Creative: James Tynion Iv (Writer), Martin Simmonds (Artist), Rus Wooten (Letterer) SKYBOUND ENTERTAINMENT/ IMAGE COMICS READ LAST ISSUE'S REVIEW Dracula #4: The stunning conclusion to the horrifying series...

The Enfield Gang Massacre #4- Dreadful Sorry

The Enfield Gang Massacre #4 by Chris Condon and Jacob Phillips. Credit Image Comics. Cover by Jacob Phillips.

Kill Your Darlings #2 Review: A Haunting Fairytale

Image Comics via KLC Press Creative Team: Writer: ETHAN S. PARKER and GRIFFIN SHERIDAN Art: BOB QUINN Letters: John J. Hill Cover A: Robert Quinn Cover B: Ryan Stegman and Robert...

The Cull #2 review – What Is “God?”

This is a series on par with anything Image has put out in the past. If the story continues at the pace and depth it’s currently at then I foresee this being “the next big thing” in comic books...

Enfield Gang Massacre #2 Review – Always on the run

Enfield Gang Massacre #2 - Image Comics Creative Team: Writer: Chris Condon Artist: Jacob Phillips SEE PREVIOUS ISSUE REVIEW: The Rundown: The showdown has begun as the Enfield Gang and the town...

The Schlub #1 – Action & Humor In One

Roger picks up this relic and examines it for a moment. Cirrus and Wyrm both look on in horror as Roger makes yet another bad choice for himself and others...


THE ENFIELD GANG MASSACRE #1- IMAGE COMICS Creative Team Writer: Chris Condon Artist: Jacob Phillips Let's Run Down the Story: The story begins in Oklahoma in 1906...

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