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Radiant Black #24 – Existence Is Broken


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Radiant Black #24 – Image Comics & Black Market Narrative

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Creative Team: Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Igor Monti and Becca Carey

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, it’s the last stop for the flagship title of comics’ most exciting line of books before its’ monster crossover later in May. This issue also serves as the final point before heading into what will be its’ most talked about story in July known as “The Catalyst War.”

Suffice to say, the summer of 2023 will be a memorable one for Image Comics and Black market Narrative. RADIANT BLACK #24 by Kyle Higgins, Marcelo Costa, Igor Monti and Becca Carey sets the stage for Nathan and Marshall with the consequences of failure never set higher. Let’s see how the heroes fare on the final stop before “Supermassive 2”, shall we?


Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

The War Is Coming

In his wildest dreams, Nathan Burnett could never have imagined when he returned home to Lockport, Illinois from Los Angeles how much his life would change. After coming into contact with a mysterious object, Nathan became the figure known as Radiant Black. Since that moment, his life has been a non-stop roller coaster with his best friend Marshall now intertwined in this superhero world. Both have done heroic actions, but their latest challenge may be too great to overcome.

Something is coming to Earth. Something they might not be able to stop. Factor in that their powers are not working properly and it’s a blueprint for disaster. With the future looking dire, a choice was made. Nathan and Marshall make a return to a place where both are familiar with. They return to Existence.

Back To Existence

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

This issue kicks off with Nathan and Marshall crashing back into the realm of Existence. The pair is greeted by an old “frienemy” in <001>, who readers haven’t seen in quite some time. He assumes the role as guide into the vastly changed landscape. Existence as they knew it is no more. It is devastated and fragmented. <001> speaks of what is needed to try fixing things but it is not an easy road.

Nathan and Marshall must search for a key element that could be the missing piece to save Earth from impending doom. On this journey, Nathan and Marshall are challenged to confront their own self reflections to move forward. As the line goes… “There is only truth in Existence.” It really pushes the pair into uncharted water? Will they succeed?

Readers find out very quickly that there is no easy way out for what Nathan and Marshall need to deal with. The later portion of the book hits readers directly with addressing a discord long suspected. This all leads to a resolution with a final parting image that has huge ramifications heading into the Catalyst War.

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Story Review

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Throughout the course of this series, Kyle Higgins has crafted challenges that have tested the bond of Nathan and Marshall on many levels. This issue harkens back to the theme and emotions of another classic issue in the series: Issue #10. Whenever Existence has been in play, it brings out something special within the story. The journey they embark on makes both characters face lingering plot points directly in front of the readers.

Higgins depicts their friendship as their greatest strength and weakness at varying moments. There is a very strong portion of the story where this comes to light and gives the readers a sense at what each is going through heading towards their fateful ending. Once at that stage, the closing portion presents a very direct ending which readers will have feelings about. It’s also noteworthy that the final image featured proves once again why Kyle Higgins and company at BMN continue to push the creative bounds like no one else in the business.

Artwork Overview

Marcelo Costa and Igor Monti paint an eye-popping landscape throughout this issue. Existence feels worn down and barely hanging on. The opening two-page spread is absolutely phenomenal. It sets the pace for what lies ahead. As previously mentioned, there are some homages to Issue #10 that long-time readers will pick up on and see what compares and contrasts. Monti’s coloring adds such a new element to the already impressive visuals.

The whole landscape feels different and energetic at the same time. There is a great deal of two-page spreads throughout the issue that gives the moments showcased that much more gravity to the story. The sequences leading into the final act demonstrate to the readers the anguish and eventual truth of the lingering plot points. It pays off big once the final image hits the page. A perfect closing full page panel to conclude this crucial time frame of the MassiveVerse’s flagship book.

Image and its logos are ® and © 2023 Image Comics, Inc. All rights reserved.

FINAL POINT: 10 out of 10

All roads lead to the next phase of the MassiveVerse’s flagship title with an incredible issue concluding this prelude arc. Higgins, Costa, Monti and Carey present two heroes outmatched for what lies ahead but refusing to surrender with superb writing and an amazing visual experience. There is a reason this line of books are comics’ most exciting line and led by Radiant Black. The buzz surrounding this series never fails to deliver and this issue will be one fans will be talking about this week on New Comic Book day. Highest possible recommendation.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Radiant Black #24. Thanks for reading!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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