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Tag: power rangers

Finally, it’s time to get the conclusion to one of the best horror Christmas stories of all time. Who is the Deviant Killer? Who will survive? Who will take the fall? These questions and more get...
GIANT-SIZE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1 PROMISES A STAR-STUDDED MARVEL COMICS SUMMER CELEBRATION! Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man#1; a must-have one-shot of rousing new Marvel Universe-spanning stories from all-star creators including Kevin Smith, Al Ewing, Chip Zdarsky, Mark Buckingham and more....


It has been a long year, Ranger Nation. This article will be a little bit of everything for me. I'll give you my call...

Godzilla VS. MMPR PT II Issue #3: Calling the Kaiju Rangers!

With the Psycho Kaiju pushing the Rangers to their limits. Everyone takes a back step through the multiverse AGAIN! And it is totally worth...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #121: Deep Blue “SOMETHING”

We are here! At the beginning of the end! After reintroducing the Solar Rangers with their plan, how do we balance it out on...

Ranger Academy #8: It’s Not Easy Being Green!

Written by MARIA INGRANDE MORA, Illustrated by JO MI-GYEONG, Colored by JOANA LAFUENTE, Lettered byED DUKESHIRE, Main cover by MIGUEL MERCADO Once the Junior Rangers...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers THE RETURN: Family Reunion

We are finally there. The past three issues have led to this massive fight and resolution. But first, THE FIGHT!! And finally, major spoilers...

Godzilla VS MMPR PT II #2: Let’s Bring Em’ Together!

After a triumphant return, IDW has dropped the second issue in this sequel series, they are not messing around! This issue brings together so...

Ranger Academy #7: The Grid Calls

After the last stunning issue with that very unexpected cameo, it was business and angst as usual for our Rangers in Training. Ranger Academy #4...

Power Rangers #119: “Coupled” Therapy

After the last issue, we take a quick backstep, catch our breath, Reevaluate the situation, find another solution, and most importantly, talk it out! Mighty...


Kimberly is captured by the silver-haired sorceress who is on the hunt for rangers, and we just met Kim and Tommy's kid. This issue...

Ranger Academy #6: Do You Wanna Dance?

After the big reveal in the last Issue, Sage now has MORE baggage on her plate. Is her secret going to get out? Is...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #118: The Endgame Begins?

Eight down and four to go in The Darkest Hour storyline and still the chess pieces are moving into the final gambit. Mighty Morphin Power...

Ranger Academy #5: Green with Angst

We are back in the hallowed halls of spandex clad teenagers with attitude and the teenage angst is well in the green! Ranger Academy #4...

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