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The Ladykiller and Home Intruder have both been compromised. Now it is up to one to save the other. But who will save them from the loved ones who may be on to them?
Those Not Afraid #3
Written By Kyle Starks – Art By Patrick Piazzalunga
Colors By Marco Brakko – Letters By Jim Campbell
Edited By Daniel Chabon – Published By Dark Horse Comics
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
The Home Intruder is surrounded by the police who have set a trap for him. However, he has many tricks up his sleeves as he gets away without any of them finding out who he is. Meanwhile, Mark is sitting in an interrogation room where the police believe they have him dead to rights as the Ladykiller. Unfortunately, Lucinda gets informed that her husband has been picked up and is suspected of being a serial killer.
Cece tells Daniel about Mark’s arrest and asks him if he thinks Mark could be a serial killer. At this moment Daniel knows he must save Mark from jail, so the Home Intruder poses as the Ladykiller to prove Mark’s innocence. But even though Mark is now free from jail he must now face his wife, and you never know who else is lurking in the shadows.
A Competition on Hold
Going into issue three, this series was on hot roll and steam rolling through a murder competition. However, issue three slows it down a bit and really builds up the human story. Kyle Starks does a fantastic job of showing us the love, respect, and friendship that our killers are building. Well at the same time, showing the real-world consequences of their double lives. Taking the foot off the gas in this issue was genius and much needed.
The art in this book continues to be very good and appealing. The art style that Patrick Piazzalunga brings to this series is incredible. Mix that in with the color pallet by Marco Brakko that makes every panel pop off the page, and you have a sure-fire winner. Special shout out to Jim Campbell whose letters give the issue a real true crime feels.
Check Out My Review of Those Not Afraid #2
Final Thoughts
Those Not Afraid #3 brings some great story development to this amazing thriller of a series. This issue and series need to be a must grab at your LCS this week and going forward.
Overall Grade: 9/10
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