
Geiger #12 A Powerful Man Fractured

10.9 C
New York
Star Wars
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Tariq Geiger struggles to control his powers. Ashley Arden has the experience to train him and looks to be a capable teacher. Geiger will have to get out of his own head for it all to work. With a past like Tariq’s, that could be a bit daunting. The best testing ground is in the wastelands, and a cult of religious fanatics is just what the doctor ordered!

Courtesy of Ghost Machine/Image Comics. Cover art by Gary Frank & Brad Anderson.

Geiger Struggles to Find Balance

Tariq Geiger is one tough cookie. You know what, he may actually be a Jawbreaker because getting him to open up and explore his inner most feelings is tough! He’s got a very traumatic past. He’s damaged, both physically and emotionally. But if anyone has a shot at getting The Glowing Man back in the game, surely it’s got to be The Glowing Woman, am I right?!

Catch up with a review of issue #11!

As the two of them try and put the pieces back together for Geiger, they share bits of their past. Ashley doesn’t really know how she got her powers, but she knows that they have killed everyone she loves. She’s just as tough as Tariq, but maybe a little more in tune with what she is.

They’ll take a trip across the wastelands to put Geiger to the test against some real winners in “God’s Chosen”. After the action is kicked in to high gear, a huge secret is revealed!

Geoff Johns Explores Geiger in a New Way

Courtesy of Ghost Machine/Image Comics. Cover art by Martin Morazzo & Chris O’Halloran.

Geoff Johns takes us on a journey of the soul for Tariq Geiger in this issue. All of the trouble with his powers stem from the terrible loss in his life. Navigating how we deal with those things are a heavy subject and Johns handles it well. The introduction of The Glowing Woman is a nice tool to not only help Geiger, but have a sort of mirror for him to look into.

Geiger Works the Art from Every Angle

Gary Frank continues to put us right in the middle of the action and the emotions with some great angles and intimate framing. There’s a moment when Geiger goes full on nuclear meltdown in a beautiful disaster type of way. The design of The Glowing Woman shines in the fray as an awesome compliment to Tariq’s.

There are definitely some really fascinating color transitions as well. From normal, present time to past flashbacks and a change in tone at the end of the issue, Brad Anderson puts us in the scene and guides you to the emotion the story wants you to feel.

Image/Ghost Machine Reveal Two New Thrillers: First Ghost & Hyde Street: Sisterhood

Overall Grade: 8.2/10

Geiger goes on a journey inward that honestly feels grounded and relatable even in the crazy world Johns and Frank have created. The Glowing Woman provides us with not only a new character, but a way of helping us see Geiger from a new angle. A lot of dialogue gives us a look behind the curtains so to speak, but also slows down the pacing. All in all, it’s a great step in the direction of learning what makes Tariq Geiger tick!

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