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Home isn’t where the heart is. New York City has changed for the Heroes in a Half Shell. D.A. Hieronymus Hale and his Foot Clan Police are in hot pursuit. Leo, Raph, Don and Mike have their backs up against the wall. Can they stop fighting each other long enough to fight back?
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #7 by Jason Aaron, Juan Ferreyra, and Shawn Lee kicks off a brand new saga.
Let’s take a deeper dive into what’s happening now!
Aaron wastes no time hitting the ground running with action. The turtles are instantly reeling from events. Being public enemy #1, their home field advantage is gone. In its’ wake is more fuel to a combustible family. The writing reflects the damaged unit. Their internal conflicts come out in spades. This shifts the story to focus on the most polarizing member of the 4 heroes.
Donatello clearly stands out from the group for this issue. His “talks” with Master Splinter will keep readers locked in. Amongst the bickering between brothers, Don is determined to steer the ship.
D.A. Hale proves to be a worthy adversary as the full court press is placed on the Turtles. There is a moment of clarity given that looks to be a turning point. The dialogue reinforces the need to come together. Results can be seen in the closing pages. An action is taken that will undoubtably start a violent domino effect. Get ready for a true battle of New York.
Ferreyra kicks events off with an intense full page brawl. The following pages never loose this speed or impact. Readers can truly grasp the frantic fight for survival. The “taxi” panel is prime example of this. Coloring of the speeding car strikes a chord. It gives a fitting end to this round before slowing down to regroup. Gears shift to the internal fighting. Even with no punches thrown, the verbal jabs can be felt.
The broken state of Donatello shines on the pages. Clearly, his persona is scene stealing amongst the families anger. This is a good pause before the action kicks back up. Each character under attack gets a fair amount of page time. A two page spread brings everything together before heading into the final portion. Donatello’s visions come into play before the results close the show. Readers leave knowing drastic times and measures are en route in the fight for survival.
The heat is on for the Heroes in a Half-Shell. Aaron gives readers a healthy helping of action and drama with the writing. Ferreyra’s dynamic art carries the fight through the city and the inner turmoil. This is one you won’t want to miss jumping on board from the start!
Let me know your thoughts on TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #7 in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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