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TMNT #6: Our Turtles have reunited and are back in New York City, a place that should be a haven and of familiarity. However, much has changed in their time apart. Not only is this family fractured but, New York is controlled by the Foot Clan and every person is now a danger to the team. The next arc in this fantastic run kicks off with our heroes as nothing more than four busted knuckles and enemies of the state.

Jason Aaron (WRITER) Juan Ferreyra (ART) Shawn Lee (LETTERS) Jorge Fornes (COVER)
Let’s Start With the Story:
Jason kicks off this new arc by bringing us back into familiar territory the streets and sewers of New York City. He lures us into a false sense of normality by taking us to the city but, quickly reminds us that things are not all well.
The turtles are broken and at odds with one another which I think is a great premise of not having them move on towards a common enemy so fast. There is a lot of animosity still held amongst them and they are mentally broken from the past. This adds so much more depth and uniqueness to this tale being told beyond here is a bad guy they unite and fight.
This story continues to be sad in the same right as Donnie hears Master Splinter’s voice in his head not realizing that he is dead. It’s heart-shattering scenes like these that draw the reader more closely to this tragic plot.
Now For the Art:
Ah, the streets of New York. Juan hits us with a distanced shot of the city which heightens our senses making us smell the street food and litter of the city and hear the bustling sounds of voices and vehicles. I enjoy how he can draw the turtles in motion amongst the city. There are scenes where they are leaping from car to car with the background being colored and drawn to show the motion. It’s details such as these that stand out for me when I am diving into the art and what is going on with the story.
All four turtles are drawn uniquely as well. Donnie for example is scrawny and fragile while, the others having not been held captive or in fragile states are drawn more robustly. Mix in Shawn’s letters and the angst and anger oozes from their respective voices to match the emotions drawn.
Final Thoughts:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6 kicks off this next arc of a tragic story. The Turtles are at odds with themselves and the place they call home. It continues to stand out for me as a top-tier story and one everyone needs to be reading.
Overall Grade: 9.5/10
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