In Batman and Robin #15, Bruce Wayne and Damian face one of their most intense challenges yet, but this time without the safety net of their costumes or gadgets. What begins as a routine charity event...
The quest for power fuels and faults most Decepticons. Starscream is the perfect example of power corrupted. In his blind journey to rule, he has been ousted by Soundwave. His robotic body broken.
Left for dead,...
Creative Team - Tom Waltz & Kevin Eastman(writers). Esua & Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop, Kevin Eastman(artists). Luis Antonio Delgado(colors). Shawn Lee(letters and design). Nicolas...
How did Jennika become Nightwatcher?! This issue explores the recent past of the turtle, including the pain and tribulations associated with finding her place...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1:
Creative Team:
Writer: Jason Aaron
Art: Joelle Jones
Colors: Ronda Pattinson
Letters: Shawn Lee
Cover: Rafael Albuquerque
Editor: Jamie S. Rich and Maggie Howell