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It’s Decepticon civil war! Starscream has returned with forces. In his path is Soundwave and his army. The Autobots are trying to save the humans. There’s also a question of what’s wrong with Optimus Prime. There may not be a future Energon Universe after this battle!

TRANSFORMERS #17 by DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON, JORGE CORONA, MIKE SPICER AND RUS WOOTEN (Credit: Image Comics via Skybound Entertainment) takes readers to the edge with this latest chapter.

Teaming up for this review is Tom (“Play 4 Keeps” and “Turn A Page”) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH Podcast/N.I. Editor-In-Chief), Let’s take a closer look at what is unfolding now!



KEN: Johnson keeps finding ways to break the Autobots. With Optimus loosing his grasp of reality, they are scrambling. Readers watch as Prime doesn’t have time to worry. He has to act fast in comparison to others. Beachcomber’s stance of conflict continues to stand apart. The writing shows a true neutral voice to the anarchy around him. It is fitting for the constant battles raging out of control.

This carries through to the Cybertron portion. The Autobots there make a play to gather help. It is full speed ahead as the action rages on. Elita steals the spotlight while handling her business. Considering how damaged Ultra Magnus has been, any signs of life here push the story along. Once the resistance breaks away, they give fans a monstrous moment. Hope may have arrived. The final page looks to be a true catalyst for change. A solid ending to the wild fighting at hand.

TOM: This is the epitome of war on multiple fronts. Lack of communication and lost hope are not good bedfellows. The Autobots are on the back foot, trying to get by and regroup while still trying to push forward. This it’s a Sisyphean task, to say the least. 


There are so many spinning cogs in this issue. Separate teams all with their own machinations. Optimus trying to save humans while Bruticus and Devastator wreak havoc over Seattle. Cliffjumper, Elita-1 and crew trying to turn the tides on Cyberton. Beachcomber and Acree searching for Ultra Magnus. Not to mention the Thundercracker and Thrust and RatBat.

Ultra Magnus is broken in a way that is a very hard pill to swallow. The second in command of the Autobot’s mind has gone down quite a slope. We have not seen in Transformers media like this. Even Beachcomber who’s typically a fun loving dune buggy is is sick of battle. War is pretty. Its not always as cut and dry. Daniel Warren Johnson is not shying away from it.


KEN: Corona and Spicer add more depth to Beachcomber’s mind frame. The images back up his claims of seeing a larger picture. It’s a big contrast to the state of Ultra Magnus. The near full page image shows the broken Autobot in a new state. Their images for Optimus Prime are small but effective. Knowing he may have lost control only sink their ship further.

The Cybertron portion is filled with emotion and action. It carries a Hollywood aura as the final resistance stand takes hold. Elita’s fighting is given a strong half page to convey her message. This goes toe-to-toe with Prime’s daring rescue attempts for the humans. With Bruticus and Devastator laying waste to Seattle, Prime switches gears to the defense. A half panel shows the fruits of his labor. It is quickly overshadowed by the final page. The full image welcomes a big surprise into the never ending conflict. This is just another day in the office for the high skilled creative team here.

TOM: Transformers have never shied away from showing the realization of war, the grit, the reality, and the pain. Cliffjumper is the stand out here. He has always been equated to the redeco of Bumblebee. His puppydog eyes and broken horns show that the little guy is just trying to find hop and get by during this heavy battle.

Optimus has a broken windshield. This might seem like a casualty of war, but it speaks volumes. As the Leader of the Autobots, he can be hurt. He is not indestructible. 

There is a balance in this issue that you might overlook. The art imitates the story perfectly! It’s might be heavy handed as I alluded to the seriousness of war but it doesn’t go over the line. it shows the synergy between the writer and the art team.

Then finishing it off with the full page reveal of Shreadhead, was a masterful play on colors as a light shining in the darkness.


KEN: 9.1. The never ending battle continues to stake its destruction of Earth in this new issue. Johnson’s writing takes the heroes into their breaking points. Corona, Spicer and Wooton head full steam ahead into the chaotic landscape with the art. The last paage could be a game changer or the final nail in the coffin. Where do you think it will land?


TOM: 8.7 out of 10. The standout has to be the newest autobot Shreadhead! Made from the combined sparks of Cliffjumpers clan. This throws a huge wrench into the T-cogs. We have had precedent in transformer lore that no two sparks can inhabit the same form, for example, Optimal Optimus.

The idea that Shreadhead recognizes Cliff is interesting, to say the least. The closest thing I can find an analog to would be the Dax Symbiote from Star Trek DS9. Much like multiple personalities, the main body can access its previous lives’ memories and knowledge, but that’s just my theory.

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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