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Hello Darkness #7 – Love & Monsters Lead to Scares


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The horror anthology Hello Darkness has returned with some more terrifying tales. Let’s see if the scares are there this issue and deep dive into issue number 7!

Credit: BOOM! Studios


Edited By David Mariotte & Bryce Carlson

Published By BOOM! Studios

***Minor Spoilers Possible***


Written By Ethan S. Parker & Griffin Sheridan – Art By Edion Neo – Colors By Raùl Angulo – Letters By Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

A monstrous masked killer is stalking and murdering residents of a town. It then sets its sites on a young woman. But what happens next nobody will see what’s coming.

The writing on this story leads the reader on a ride and just when you think you know the destination, you don’t. The art has a real horror vibe to it and matches with the story perfectly. The colors compliment everything with their gloomy feel and tone.


Written By David Hazan – Art By Stefano Nesi – Colors By Marissa Louise – Letters By Lucas Gattoni

Devin rushes to his brother in-law’s apartment in a panic. Mark opens the door and then starts to hear Devin’s situation. Devin took Mark’s advice and started dating using an app called Evermore. However, things went south when he met a girl named Leigh who he now believes is his deceased wife, Lenny. Is Devin crazy or is this nightmare a reality?

David Hazen creates a story and world where you feel the main characters fear and desperation. The story keeps you guessing about Devin’s mental state right up until the final panel. Stefano Nesi and Marissa Louise take the story and bring it to life. The art matches the story, and the colors bring it all together.

Check Out My Review of Hello Darkness #6

Words in the Smoke

By Maria Llovet

This is a poetic tale about love and death. A woman is in love with a person who seems dangerous. Her love leads her to a cemetery and even a late-night balcony visit. When the love interest arrives, it doesn’t go the way that the lover would like.

Maria Llovet brings this world of a lover’s gloom to life in this short story. The “poetic” story style is becoming a staple in the Hello Darkness universe. In my opinion this still is either something you love, or you don’t, personally I am in the latter. The art is pretty and has a gothic feel.


Written By Chris Gooch – Art By Eli Powell – Colors By Roman Stevens – Letters By Becca Carey

A man is taken to the hospital by his wife because a terrible growth on his stomach. The doctor thinks its best if the growth is removed. As the doctor cuts through the growth, a whole other story starts.

This story is simplistic, but effective and relatable. Chris Gooch does a great job of making a story that we all can relate to and making it terrifying. Eli Powell & Roman Stevens make the story stand out with their art. It’s disgusting and gory in all the right ways.

The Booth

Writing & Art By Anirudh J – Letters By Jeff Eckleberry

An FBI Agent is on the hunt for what appears to be a serial killer/kidnapper. What makes this case personal is his wife is one of the missing women. As the agency closes in on a possible lead, he can’t let his professional side win out and chases down the lead. However, he gets himself into something no one could ever imagine.

Anirudh J kills it on both aspects of this tale. For the writing we are led on a trip that blurs the line between business and personal. With true horror only being revealed in the final panel. The art is phenomenal. The black and white penciling with the accent of red, blue, and yellow is completely genius.

Check Out My Review of Hello Darkness #5

Final Thoughts

Hello Darkness #7 is a solid read with a few good stories. If you have been following the series this is the first issue without the two staple continuing stories, which is surprising. If this is already on your Pull List, chances are you will enjoy the issue.

Overall Grade: 7.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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