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Blood Train #1 – Carnage on the Tracks


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A group of friends are traveling via train from Beijing to Siberia on vacation. None of them knows that their vacation will soon turn into a nightmare. Worse than that they will have to make the hardest choice they have ever made.

Credit: Image Comics/Ninth Circle


Written By Adam Glass with Andrew Dabb – Art & Color By Bernard Chang

Colors Assists By Nelson Zorzetto & Ace Gibbs – Letters By Dave Sharpe

Edited By Joe Pruett – Published By Image Comics/Ninth Circle

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Train Ride from Hell

Five friends are navigating their way through the Beijing train station. They get separated but are not worried about losing each other. As Amy and Kara are walking to the train car, Amy feels a prick on her side. A man in a trench coat slips in front of the train after the poking. Once on the train the five friends are reunited and decide to have some fun. The girls end up going to use the restroom and that’s where things go south.

After Amy sees something in her eyes in the bathroom, the girls race back to the train cabin. As they arrive agents are smashing through the windows of the cabin, sending all the friends on the run. As they hide in a separate car, only to be cornered. Amy, feeling herself changing, hides her friends in a freezer and locks them in. It’s then that the horror and carnage begin.

Will You Survive

Blood Train #1 is a brutal and gory horror comic with a lot of substance. Before the horror begins you get to know the group of friends and there is an air of mystery about the true horrors that break out. Adam Glass & Andrew Dabb do an amazing job of bringing this world to life. The narrative progresses swiftly, and just when you believe you have a firm understanding, it shifts direction, leading you through an even more intense experience.

The art in this book includes detailed character design, world-building elements, and creature designs. When the book turns gory, it’s next level. The art brings it from every angle and that is a wonderful credit to Bernard Chang. The colors and details really make the artwork pop out of the panels and off the page. Dave Sharpe does an awesome job on the letters, allowing the reader to always know what the emotion of the book should be.

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Final Thoughts

Blood Train #1 is a great one-shot horror comic; with its only major detraction being that it is just a one-shot as of now. If you enjoy horror with gore and a good story to boot, this book is for you. When you are at the LCS this week, you should not overlook this book and pick up a copy.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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