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Void Rivals #16 A Fight for Survival and The Future


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Skuxxoid comes face to face with Pythona and the forces of Cobra-La. Solila makes a huge discovery in her search for Zerta Trion. Darak finally makes contact with the Agorrian mole for The Unifiers. Each thread of the story is getting closer to its climax. Death, betrayal, and prophecy are at your doorstep in this weeks issue of Void Rivals!

Courtesy of Skybound and Image Comics. Cover art by Lorenzo De Felici.

Void Rivals Puts Everything in Place

Void Rivals continues to build to a huge climax! The rabbit hole gets deeper and the pieces are ready to fall into place. First up, Darak gets ever so closer to discovering the truth before everything gets turned upside down for him…again. It’s clear to him now that he’s too deep into the conspiracy to ever back out. Not even family can save him.

Next up in Solila and her mission to locate Zerta Trion. This is one story thread that I think has maybe gone on a little too long, but this is THE rabbit whole of ALL rabbit holes. It feels like one long tease, but she finally finds the bottom. What happens next should reveal some serious Transformers lore!

Catch up quick with our issue #15 review!

Finally we have the intersection of Cobra-La and Skuxxoid. Pythona and her team are intercepted by the scavenger, only to battle it out to the death! Who limps away from this fight to continue their journey?!

Void Rivals Balanced in 3 Threads

Robert Kirkman gets serious in Agorria with the meeting of Darak and Elander. Elander has been revealed as a mole for The Unifiers. There’s a great back and forth between the two about what’s been happening and where the resistance should go from here. The uneasy conversation is disrupted by Agorrian putting Darak in a bad position.

Speaking of good dialogue, Solila and handroid keep things light and fun as she continues her journey into the heart of the planet. The intense action of Skuxxiod and Cobra-La mixed with the drama between Elander and Darak is balanced nicely with the wit of handroid and Solila. Handroid is a great character that keeps things in perspective for the reader.

Speaking of Handroid, what’s going on with Transformers?!

Courtesy of Skybound/Image Comics. Cover art by Conor Hughes.

The Art of Setting in Void Rivals

Lorezo De Felici is crafting three types of art in this issue. He’s taking on the emotion and intensity of the scenes with Elander and Darak. Then, he switches to the fast paced action and fluid movements of Skuxxiod vs. Cobra-La. With Solila, he has to take us on this mysterious journey, devoid of environment. It’s almost like he’s drawing three separate comics at the same time and he does it flawlessly.

With three different scenes and vibes comes the importance of color. Each story thread os treated with a different style of palette by Patricio Delpeche. Yellows and oranges create danger in Agorria. Greens, blues, and black highlight the mystery and coldness of the underground path Solila is on. The fight between Cobra-La and Skuxxoid feels almost like the normal world, using a full range of colors, but primarily purples, pinks, reds, and greens.

Before we talk about Rus Wooton, Check out GI Joe #3!

Last but most certainly not least is the brilliance of Rus Wooton. His sound effects are second to none. They move with the action and really capture your imagination. His work feels like the ultimate form of immersion in comics.

Overall Grade: 9/10

I had a lot of fun reading this issue. It’s well balanced via story and art. I’ve been so ready for something big to happen and this honestly felt like a penultimate issue of sorts. We’re getting so close to world changing event. This issue does a great job of setting pieces in place and giving a couple of “HOLY CRAP!” moments. Void Rivals has felt like a great game of chess from the beginning and we are getting really close to a checkmate!

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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