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G.I. JOE #3 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)

Cobra has drawn first blood. Rock N’ Roll was killed in the line of duty. The terrorist organization unveiled new powerful weapons. Even an elite fighting force might be out of luck here. The world is glad Duke isn’t hearing it. He plans to lead the team back into action. Unfortunately, the team’s newest member might derail that from happening.

G.I. JOE #3 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics) goes all in on their explosive return!

Teaming up for this review is Tom C. (“Play 4 Keeps”/N.I. Bullpen/”Turn A Page”) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH Podcast/NI editor In Chief). Let’s not wait any longer! Let’s take a closer look at what is happening now!



KEN: Williamson delivers a very direct shot of action with this chapter. The team is still reeling from the loss of Rock N’ Roll. Cobra is asserting their dominance with every action. Readers watch as Clutch is behind enemy lines. This leads into a birds eye view of how dangerous they have become. Cobra Commander’s treatment of a spy will clear any doubts of the terror he is bringing.


This is very different from the wounded Joes. Williamson creates a good amount of friction with their latest member. Risk and Duke come to an uneasy interaction. The fallout spins into a new start for the broken team. It leads into a high paced closing act. Fans will be amped up for who crashes the party in the final page. This is as vintage G.I. Joe as it gets!

TOM: With the pissing contest going on between Duke and Risk, I appreciated the fact this story started on the other side of the coin with Cobra. It wasn’t all about the goings on of the terrorist organization; we got to find out how Clutch had also infiltrated their ranks.

Using a Cobra-LA spy was a brilliant heart-pounding moment, thinking that Cluthc had already been discovered. More so, it was essential to acknowledge the more significant scope of the Energon universe.

While on Joe’s side of the coin, Stalker comes out of nowhere to stop the fight between Duke and Risk ((CHEFS KISS)), showing his no-nonsense character. I’ve always considered him an excellent field commander, and even still, this iteration hits the mark.

With both teams vying to capture/take into custody Dr Monev. The dual-sided operations are precisely what you would expect from either side. Plus, Kudos for bringing in a character from RAH #10!

By the end of this issue, it had me seeing “double”.


KEN: Reilly and Bellaire start things off with a strong two page spread of Cobra. Seeing how the partnership of Destro and Cobra Commander play out pops off the panel. The art doesn’t shy away from the ruthless nature of the commander. Readers watch the bloody resolution of a spy in their midst. It is a direct shot of fear sent to the readers.

In contrast, The fighting between Duke and Risk is frantic and emotion driven. This is capped off with a perfectly placed arm-bar attempt. With recent events, tensions have been building. Each panel leans into the toll that has been taken. It also moves events along to the next desperate attempt to rebound. The final act is filled with an adrenaline shot of excitement. Each panel feels fast paced. This comes to a crashing halt with the reveal on the parting page. Fans will have a tough time waiting until next round to see what happens next.

TOM: They stay in a particular color palette for both sides, and it works. For me I see the joes still in the off colors and even a bit muted. Vice Versa with Cobra the colors are a bit more vibrant. 

I’m probably reading into it as to who has their stuff together vs. who doesn’t. Or that could just be the dim lighting in their respective bases.

This series has me sitting on the edge of my seat, anxiously waiting for the next issue. 



KEN: 9/10. With each mounting set-back, G.I. Joe struggles to get one back against Cobra. Williamson hits readers with a strong balance of action and emotion. Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton never let up on bringing the excitement. This is everything you could want when you think G.I. Joe!


TOM: 8.5/10.

While I AM waiting for the next issue, I didn’t appreciate that Cover Girl sprang right out of bed while Stalker hobbled. More so, Risk was about to play dirty using Electrified “brass knuckles”, pretty lame for an experienced MMA fighter.

What does Risk know about the reveal on the last panel? I have my theories…

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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