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Those Not Afraid #1 – An Unexpected Alliance


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What’s worse than 2 active serial killers in a small town? When those killers are racing to set a new killing record set decades ago by the original serial killer of the town.

Credit: Dark Horse Comics

Those Not Afraid #1

Written By Kyle Starks – Art By Patrick Piazzalunga

Colors By Marco Brakko – Letters By Jim Campbell

Edited By Daniel Chabon – Published By Dark Horse Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Too Many Serial Killers

The issue opens with a quote from “The Night Stalker “Richard Ramirez. We then jump into an episode of the Too Many Serial Killers Podcast hosted by Cece Galloway. The episode is about the Murder-Hole Killer, who killed 57 women in the 1980’s. Cece then mentions that there are currently two active serial killers who are closing in on the record. The killers have been dubbed The LadyKiller and the second is called The Home Intruder.

We then meet Mark, who is a party planner. He seems to be adored by his neighbors and community. He is married and lives in a beautiful suburban home. But Mark has a secret, that secret is that he’s the LadyKiller. His dark room in the basement seconds as a trophy room of sorts.

One night Mark is at the supermarket stalking a potential victim, when he notices something suspicious. He enters a home to discover the Home Intruder in the middle of his latest murder. Instead of the two killers fighting, Mark suggests that they put a friendly wager on who will break the record. This starts a strange pseudo friendship.

Cece, who’s full first name is Cecilia, must pick her father up at a local bar. He’s the former Sherriff and is taking the latest murders roughly. The next day Cece meets up with her bestie Lucinda for a meal. They are joined by Lucinda’s husband, and that is where the plot thickens.

Oh No…

For a first issue this book packs a mighty punch. The backstory is laid out, characters are introduced, the plot deepens, and the twists keep coming. Kyle Starks creates a world that is familiar and very realistic. The tie ins with and between the characters makes for so many interesting avenues this series can go down. Giving away who the serial killers are in the first issue seemed like an interesting choice. That is until you get to the end of the issue and realize this book is doing something different.

The art in the book looks great, and really brings the world to life. The character designs and the diversity between the characters make for a realistic world. The color pallet is a lot of earth tones and dark at the right times.

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Final Thoughts

Those Not Afraid #1 is right up my alley. Serial killers navigating a world where there is more to the story than what we can see. If this first issue is any indication of what is to come in this series, we are in for one hell of a ride. This is a must get at the LCS this week and is a slam dunk add to your Pull List as well.

Overall Grade: 10/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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