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G.I. JOE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)

Rock N’ Roll is dead. Literally. The valiant member of the elite fighting team known as G.I. JOE fell in combat. He was no match for COBRA’s Energon powered weapons. The terrorist group has struck a deadly first blow. Can Duke and his team find a way to survive or will more victims be claimed?

G.I. JOE #2 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics) continues the explosive first arc!

Teaming up for this review is Tom C. (“Play 4 Keeps”/N.I. Bullpen) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH Podcast/NI editor In Chief). Let’s not wait any longer!



KEN: Williamson never lets the foot off the gas with this issue. It’s non stop intensity (even in quieter moments). Seeing one of their own killed covers a range of emotions. This leads into a furious entrance by a Joe fueled on rage: Duke. It leads into a frantic resolution. Readers watch along with Cobra as their mission is audibled at the last second.

Once the dust settles, the writing throws a wild card into the mix. Risk’s first impressions do not go over well with the team. Losing a beloved member for a brash upstart is instant fireworks. The writing brings out the best of characters at the worst possible time. Once the final pages start, it presents a tense feel. This carries to the incredible cliffhanger ending. Readers can’t help but to be locked and loaded for where things head to next.


TOM: In my opinion, the stakes in most second issues aren’t as high as in the first issue. Boy, was I wrong! Considering the ending with the first issue, which ended on such a visceral note, it doesn’t stop.

Introducing the Valkyries as the murderess “clean up crew” shows that Cobra is wicked and as vile as you can expect.

While the Joes mourn the loss of their fallen partner, the FNG, Risk is introduced to the team. In his frustration, Duke lashed out not only at the Colonel but also picked a fight with Risk. Not that I don’t think he deserved it.

On the Cobra Side, Cobra Commander and Destro are in Springfield, the synonymous cover town for Cobra’s operations. A dismantled Megatron is in the background. Hopefully, there will be a “clutch” opportunity for the Joes.


KEN: Reilly and Bellaire amp up the visual impact throughout the story. A full page image fires Duke into the closing stand. Readers watch as the franchise Joe throws himself right into the fight. The no-quit attitude shines on each panel. This grows until the show-stopping fight ending. From a full page escape to Duke’s deep stare, there’s much to ponder.

The art team continues its dive on the emotional reflection. Duke’s instant anger towards Risk pops off pages. it’s matched by the egotistical charisma of the latest team member. Just as tempers flare, the art detours to the current victors. As the foreshadowing of what next starts, the closing page delivers big. It’s a superb way to leave things for now, but definitely not for long.

TOM: The violence of war is not cast aside in this story. The new Energon weapons cause so much devastation. The art team has their work cut out for them. The choice of color palette adds a sense of the haze that the Joes are facing, but at the same time, when the action and emotion turn up, it cranks to eleven, hard!


KEN: 9.4 COBRA strikes first blood, but Duke refuses to back down quietly. Williamson’s writing runs the gamut of excitement. Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton brings the action and drama perfectly fitting this new era. What a time to be a fan of this fandom! Don’t miss this!

TOM:10. This isn’t a story to walk into with any assumptions! Duke is a broken soldier with blinders on his mission, and it shows. With blatant disregard for safety, he is a hot head, and as a leader, this will come back to bite him in the ass. He can’t see the big picture, just the target in his sights. 

As much as it sounds like I’m knocking on Risk, I wouldn’t be surprised if he became the unit’s XO, a calm and collected foil to Duke’s temper.  I’m interested in where they will take Cover Girl. Although she is known for her beauty, her massive scarring from the battle could be an avenue for an introspective story. With Stalker on LLD, who is going to fill his spot? You know my pick! There’s a lot going on here!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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