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SNOTGIRL #16: We Are So Back!


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Snotgirl #16:

The hit series from Image Comics makes its grand return, picking up where issue #15 left off! Caroline and Lottie are in a relationship; things are perfect; what could go wrong? Find out what adventures the duo will go off on next!

Snotgirl #16 by Bryan Lee O’Malley, Leslie Hung, Rachel Cohen, and Mare Odomo Iasmin Omar Ata. (Credit Image Comics. Cover by Leslie Hung.)

Bryan Lee O’Malley (Writer) Leslie Hung (Artist/Cover) Rachel Cohen (Colors) Mare Odomo Iasmin Omar Ata (Letters)

The Artwork:

We are back, and never skipping a beat! Leslie picks back up, creating this fun and colorful universe they had been building. Leslie and Rachel both make brunch seem like fun and an instant need. They have also captured anxiety all in one setting.

Lottie and Caroline have gotten their happy ending! Leslie and Rachel draw and color the montage in a way that captures the feeling of that “honeymoon” phase. It’s something all relationships go through to start. Tying the scenery together is Mare. She is able to capture the anxious, the lusting, and the excited tones in every panel.

The Writing:

Bryan quickly shows us that we are in a nice and loving early phase of a relationship. However, he subtly sneaks in bits that showcase something may kick off soon. This era will not last forever. Bryan catches the audience up when need be. He brings everyone up to speed, and uses this issue to reintroduce us into the world we fell in love with with the first 15 issues.


Snotgirl #16 reminds us of what we have been missing, which is this fun world that allows the reader to escape into incredible adventures and the spirit of love. Being back with Lottie and the crew just feels right, and I cannot wait to continue picking this series up!


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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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