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Knights Vs. Samurai #1: A New Course?


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Cover Artist: Todd McFarlane – image Comics

Writer: David Dastmalchian

Artist: Federico Mele 

COLORIST: Ulises Arreola

Letterer: Andworld Design

Publisher: Image Comics 

This new comic follows the protagonist Sir Charles Ward. He is called  “The Dragon Butcher” and he has become a knight. He did have a brother, Bennett, who unfortunately was killed. Charles always thinks about him, and Bennett always wanted Charles to pursue leading an army.

  Charles is a fantastic leader, he is taking direction from the Emperor. The Emperor explains that there are creatures in the sea, and Charles’s task is to lead the boat across the water, and kill these creatures. Charles realizes quickly that this is a hard task to do.

Charles also before he leaves for sailing, has a lady named Emma. Emma worries about him leaving and not returning.  Charles said he has to go, and promises Emma that he will return. Their love is strong, and I am hopeful, as the reader to see Charles come back. Charles also writes letters to Emma during his time away. 

I really like all the world building in this first issue. It right away tells and shows how Charles came to become the lead Knight. Charles also seems to have a heart, when he is making decisions. I also like that everyone supports him during the voyage, and Charles is devoted to protecting his men and also himself.  The art is beautiful, it’s really detailed with some of the action going on in the comic panels. Each panel is detailed whether it’s portraying a character, or even a creature. Especially the creatures that are in the issue, are very scary looking.  

This first issue is a strong debut for Knights vs. Samurai. I am hoping that there will be more fighting in the next issue. Not only from the creatures, but maybe as soon as the Knights sail toward land, and then have to face the Samurais. I can’t wait for that moment. 

I give this comic a 10/10.


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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