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Creepshow #1 – Welcome to the Horror Show


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In what has become the golden age of horror anthology comics. It is time for one of the top names in the genre to make its return to this form of media. That’s right Creepshow has returned to throw its name in the ring and continue its multimedia dominance of the horror anthology game.

Creepshow #1

Published By Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

“Let’er Trip”

First story up is Let’er Trip written by Chip Zdarsky, art by Kagan McLeod, and letters by Pat Brosseau.

When a young girl leaves home and joins a cult what is a mother to do? After trying to reach her daughter and even going to the police, Mrs. Miller decides to take matters into her own hands and go to the cults compound. After arriving at this psychedelic oasis and confronting her daughter she is put in a real predicament. However, is she the one that is in trouble or did this cult mess with the wrong women?

Chip Zdarsky takes us on a magical trippy ride. Weaving elements of a cult, a mother who wants to save her daughter, and an internal conflict that no one sees coming until it’s too late really making this story a must read.

Then there’s the art and oh boy does it capture the trippy psychedelic feel of the story. Kagan McLeod brings this world to life and really makes the reader see the trippy nature of this tale. When the only problem you can find with a story is that you wish it didn’t end, you know that it’s good.


The second and final tale is Scrimshaw. James Stokoe is the writer, artist, and letter for this tale.

A journalist visits a seaside village looking for tales from the locals to build interest in tourism to the area. He meets a fisherman who tells him a tale of a macabre and ghoulish creature who is writing an epic tale on bones of the unfortunate souls that wash out to sea. This fisherman is obsessed with hearing the end of the tale. But to what lengths will he go to get to the story’s finale?

James Stokoe creates this world where you find yourself like the fisherman and want to see where the story goes next. Between the story that keeps you on the edge of your seat and the grizzly & graphic art that graces the pages, you find yourself wanting more. Add in an ending that you don’t see coming as the cherry on top, and you have a 2 for 2 on stories in this anthology.

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Final Thoughts

Creepshow #1 is an amazing return to comics for this beloved franchise. This issue incapsulates what we love about the Creepshow franchise and horror anthologies. Get to your LCS and make sure to leave with a copy of Creepshow #1!

Final Grade: 10/10

Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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