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Barfly – A Minor Threats Spinoff


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Creative Team

Script: Kyle Starks; Story Plotting: Kyle Starks, Patton Oswalt, & Jordan Blum; Art: Ryan Browne; Colors: Ryan Browne & Kevin Knipstein; Letters: Nate Piekos of Blambot; Covers A and D Artists: Scott Hepburn with Ian Herring; Cover B & Convention Exclusive Cover Artist: Ryan Browne; Cover C Artist: Martin Morazzo; Cover E Artist: Dan Hipp; Cover F Artist: David Mack.

Barfly by Dark Horse Comics

Last year Dark Horse comics introduced us to the world of Minor Threats. It’s a superhero world like you’ve never seen before. Jordan Blum and Patton Oswalt created this world, and it just seems to keep growing in the most beautiful and disturbing ways. While it is a world with superheroes, the “villains” are just as important (if not more), and Barfly introduced us to an adorably gross new “villain.”

Check out the review for Minor Threats-The Fastest Way Down #1.

Barfly. all images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. all images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Story for Issue #1

This is the fourth comic run to take place in this universe, and the high expectations I had were surpassed. I expected Barfly to be a literal barfly (which he is), who drank, got cranky, and fought. While he definitely drank and fought, he also seems to have a heart of gold. A take I was not expecting. While the world seems to keep s******* on him, he keeps getting up. While so many want nothing more to do with him than swat him away, he’s also got some solid friendships. Not something you expect from a Barfly. Just another reason to love this Minor Threats world. Every expected clique is circumvented, thereby creating a refreshing story that continually makes me go, “oooh I love that!” 

Issue 1 gave us a glimpse into  who Barfly is (which is not his actual name, but I’m keeping this PG). We also got to know a bit about his past, only to be left with a reunion that left me wondering if he’ll continue to eat s*** or be his own fly. 

Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Art

The art is always beautiful yet occasionally disgusting at the same time. At one point we got a close up and I almost had a ‘Ren and Stimpy’ flashback. Barfly himself, is a perfect combination of fly meets man, mixed with a little punk and anarchy. Also, I have never seen a better portrayal of a crazy cat lady. Throughout this comic, no space is wasted and every page is incredibly fun to read and look at it. From movie posters to an angry rodent, the background art is as hilarious and amazing as the main characters and the story.

Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

Barfly #1 Rating: 9.5/10

Barfly is about a sweet beer chugging fly man, who believes in anarchy and friendship. While he gets kicked around (literally and metaphorically) a lot, he’s still got some sweet moves, and even sweeter friends. I can’t wait to see if he will revisit his past, continue on his day to day grind, or find a life worth living. 

Whether you’ve dipped your toes into the Minor Threats universe or not, Barfly should be added to your pull list. It’s looking to be a fantastic stand alone story. However, if you enjoy Barfly and need more, check out the other comics in this world: Minor Threats, A Quick End to a Long Beginning; The Alternates; and Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down. 

Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Barfly. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.  

Check out the Nerd Initiative Interview with the creators of Minor Threats, the Fastest Way Down. 

Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down Interview w/ Jordan Blum, Patton Oswalt, and Scott Hepburn
Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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