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GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the coolest book at the LCS has returned with a vengeance. Hell has been unleashed on Earth. Everyone’s favorite reaper is rallying her allies to try stopping things from getting worse. However, the spotlight for this issue shifts from Jessica Harrow to one of the series most beloved characters.

GRIM #17 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS) walks readers into the story of the one and only Eddie!

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the issue!


The year is 1975. A young man is putting on some eye liner before heading to the school bus. As he leaves the house, his father draws his attention. Dad isn’t too keen with the eyeliner and barks orders to remove it. The young man hesitates and gets slapped for being disrespectful. The young man is Eddie.

The story jumps to 1985. Eddie is backstage at a show applying the eyeliner. A reporter is questioning Eddie about his family’s support. Eddie sells the “perfect” story. In the conversation, he slips up and mentions his solo project. Eddie’s drummer Saul hears this and is none too pleased. This causes some friction between the bandmates. Saul announces their friendship is taking a toll on his health. It’s agreed that Saul will play their current show but won’t after that. They head to the stage and begin their sold out show.

Readers watch as the high price of fame catches up with Eddie. It is an emotional toll that carries a heavy weight. The young boy from New Jersey bears some heavy scars. This builds towards a moment that changes everything. Its’ conclusion leads to a send-off that will hit in all the emotions. There is no way fans will see that final panel and not get a bit choked up before concluding the issue.


Phillips walks readers through the rock star life with an unforgettable issue. Eddie and his relationships with family and friends vary to extreme degrees. His father proves to be a source of pain and manipulation. Eddie shows him compassion through the years of abusive behavior.

It’s a stark contrast to his loyal best friend Saul. Eddie treats him as an after thought through the sacrifices Saul has made for him over the years. This all unfolds into the middle act where fate confronts Eddie head on. Heading into the final pages, Phillips leads readers into one direction but pulls a great swerve. it leads to a heart-wrenching moment that perfectly closes out a great read.

Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano bring out the best and worst of Eddie’s life with the art in this issue. The brooding disdain of Eddie’s dad pours out on each page. Saul’s reaction to Eddie’s non-caring attitude is one of desperate hope with no luck. Once they hit the stage, this dissolves into a bright two page splash.

Eddie’s demons don’t stay way for long. A post show party is filled with visions of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll. The lyrics of “Boys Don’t Cry” come to life via Napolitao’s haunting lettering. It fills the air of a stunning full page image. What follows captures the shock and fear involved with rock n’ roll lifestyle. The closing image is an easy connect with readers. It packs an emotional toll that only this creative team can deliver.


With “Boys Don’t Cry”, the tragic tale of one of the series most beloved characters comes to the forefront. Phillps weaves in themes of loss, pain and redemption masterfully with the writing. Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano brings the bright lights and dark times of Rock N’ Roll to the masses with pin-point precision. After reading this issue, there’s no way anyone can dispute why this is comics’ coolest series each issue out.

Hit me up on ODPHpod and let me know your thoughts on GRIM #17. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


DON'T FEAR THE REAPER! GRIM RETURNS APRIL 3RD: Stephanie Philips Interview - NI Comics
Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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