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Weapon X-Men #3


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Creative Team:

Writer: Christos Gage; Artist: Yildiray Cinar; Color Artist: Nolan Woodard; Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles; Cover Artists: Dike Ruan & Neeraj Menon; Variant Cover Artists: Whilce Portacio & Alex Sinclair; Yildiray Cinar & Arif Prianto.

Weapon X-Men by Marvel Comics

In this comic Onslaught is crossing the multiverse and destroying earths. In an attempt to stop him Jean Grey has picked 5 different Wolverines from 5 different universes. A zombie Wolvie, a one handed Wolvie, Old Man Logan (who refuses to pop his claws), an out of shape barely a mutant anymore Wolvie, and Jane Howlett (who gets more awesome with each issue) make up this multiverse saving team.

While they don’t look like the cream of the crop, they are all still the best at what they do. While overcoming Onslaught may be their biggest obstacle yet, some of them didn’t anticipate coming face to face with what could have been.

Check out a review for another current Wolverine comic book run.

Weapon X-Men #3 Variant Cover. By Marvel Comics.
Weapon X-Men #3 Variant Cover. By Marvel Comics.

The Story for Issue #3

As everyone awaits further instruction from Phoenix, this issue kicks off with the origin of Jane Howlett. Another tragic origin story that led to her becoming a Wolverine. As this group of Wolverine misfits once again face Onslaught, this time he’s there to talk. An unexpected outcome has occurred, as new supernatural characters are now at play. As this issue wraps, Old Man Logan is faced with a proposition, he may be unable to turn down. All the while Zombie Wolvie consistently lightens the mood with his zombie humor.

The last page then serves as an index, explaining all the backstories of these different Logans (and Jane). I honestly wish all the comic books did that, that used specific characters from past stories. With only one issue left in Weapon X-Men, this “index” may lead me to a past Wolverine story I have yet to pick up.

Weapon X-Men #3 Variant Cover. By Marvel Comics.
Weapon X-Men #3 Variant Cover. By Marvel Comics.

The Art

This run has had gorgeous art throughout. The details used to differentiate each Wolverine is done beautifully. Facial expressions are so well detailed, you can see every emotion. Meanwhile, there are some action scenes that look more like a piece of art you’d frame than a page in a comic book (although many of those are frame-able too). The art definitely helps portray these characters as the best at what they do…bub.

Weapon X-Men #3 Rating 9/10

As someone who’s all time favorite superhero is Wolverine, I truly can’t get enough of this story. Multiple Wolverine origins in one, while watching a notoriously known grump argue with themself is entertaining and hilarious. Especially when one of them is an actual zombie.

However, it’s not all just fun and games. Every Wolvie story tends to be tragic as well. Tragedy fuels them for better and sometimes for worse. With one issue left, we now wait to see how this story wraps up. It hasn’t just been fun What If?… stories. They’re also saving planets. Now we wait two weeks to see is they continue to fight, or if a classic Wolverine story gets turned on its head. SNIKT!

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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