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Deep Cuts #6- The Great Unknown


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Joe Clark(writer), Kyle Higgins(writer), Toby Cypress(artist), Chris Brunner(cover), Igor Monti(colorist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou(letterer)
Publishing by Image Comics

Creative team:

Joe Clark & Kyle Higgins(writers)

Toby Cypress(artist)

Chris Brunner(cover)

Igor Monti(colorist)

Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou(letterer)

Publishing by Image Comics

Hey! Check out my review of Deep Cuts #6- Lost In The Music by clicking HERE!

Here we are. Issue # 6

Having read all of the Deep Cuts comics, I didn’t really know what to expect with the sixth issue.

Every comic in this run leading up to this has been fantastic, and number six is no exception. Honestly, I would love for this run to have gone longer than six issues. I can’t get enough of them!

Creative team- Joe Clark(writer), Kyle Higgins(writer), Toby Cypress(artist), Chris Brunner(cover), Igor Monti(colorist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou(letterer)
Publishing by Image Comics

Let’s jump in

Our main character is Barry Newark, the lead musician of a jazz band called The Great Unknown. The Great Unknown are going on their first ever world tour. Barry is quite well known and cherished in the jazz community. His reputation and resume speaks for itself amongst his peers.

Can cut that tension with a knife…

Immediately going in, we see tensions are in an uprise within the band. The band wants to be cutting edge and different while Barry wants to play the popular, more known kind of music. Tensions are everywhere within the band as their keyboarding band mate, Alice, is keeping a secret from the others.

Alice wants to leave the band and become a solo artist. But Alice is having an internal struggle as her label wants her to play the overplayed, safe music, while she wants to spread her wings and be different.

Creative team- Joe Clark(writer), Kyle Higgins(writer), Toby Cypress(artist), Chris Brunner(cover), Igor Monti(colorist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou(letterer)
Publishing by Image Comics

I find it interesting that in Alice’s situation, metaphorically she is the band and her label is Barry.

The hits keep coming

Everything is going fine and well until Barry is hit with the news that his musical idol has passed away. This throws Barry into a downward spiral in his life.

He’s lost inspiration, that motivation he used to have. Barry is showing up late to his own gigs. He is quitting halfway through the shows. His bandmates can’t rely on him.

Alice to the rescue!

Alice, while trying to find a solution to her own problems with her label, finds the solution that’s exactly what Barry needed to get out of this funk. Barry has his groove back!

The band plays like they’ve never played before. Alice finds her inspiration with some help from a character from Deep Cuts #2!

Creative team- Joe Clark(writer), Kyle Higgins(writer), Toby Cypress(artist), Chris Brunner(cover), Igor Monti(colorist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou(letterer)
Publishing by Image Comics

Deep Cuts #6 exhibits exceptional pacing, infused with a genuine sense of realism and growth.

It’s crafted with a poignant sense of self doubt and vulnerability at the most critical times in a musicians life, as well as the feeling of self-discovery that resonates deeply with the emotions of finding one’s self worth.

I found it very relatable, especially when Barry felt he lost his right to his journey when grieving the loss of his idol.

The artwork has been so consistently beautiful throughout the comic. The vibrant colors really do make you feel the energy of the music bursting through each panel.

The artwork and storytelling found within the Deep Cut series serve as a stunning ode to music enthusiasts of every generation, akin to a beautifully crafted love letter. As a music enthusiast myself, I thank all of the incredible creators of Deep Cuts.

I give this a 10 out of 10

Hey! If you enjoyed reading my review or you loved Deep Cuts #6 as much I did, let me know by hitting me up on my socials! Click HERE!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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