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Ghostbusters Back in Town #1 by David M. Booher, Blue Delliquanti, Mildred Louis, and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt. (Credit Darkhorse Comics. Cover by Kyle Lambert.)

GhostBusters: Back in Town #1

Creative Team: David M. Booher (Script,)

Blue Delliquanti ( Art,)

Mildred Louis (Colors,)

Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt (Letters.)

Cover by Kyle Lambert.



(This review is brought to you by Matt‘s brilliant and often scattered brains from Hopsgeeknews and our Pop-Culture Connisuer Tom!)

The Ghostbusters are back! Set in between Afterlife and Frozen Empire our crew has come to the Big Apple! How will these small-town gang of new-age busters fair? This book gives us a glimpse into teenage angst and, of course, Ghost Bustin’!

Art and Writing:

Matt: The art takes us back to the ’60s style of comic art, delivering an innocent visual aid in this latest installment. I enjoyed Mildred’s colors and the many variants bursting out of each panel, such as when we met our slimy green ghost in the later pages. David brings in a nice mixture of unease as the group moves to a big city where new adventures await.

Tom: I’m not 100% sure that Dellaquainti and Louis were the right fit for this book. They give me a very Calvin and Hobbs vibe, and it doesn’t sit well with me. I would expect something with a bit of a patina, like Ecto-1. Louis’ colors are great. Like Matt said, the Sewer Ghost looked great, but some characters looked nothing like their live counterparts. The story was very nonchalant, lacking any depth. Considering the emotional payoff we got in Afterlife to TADA FIREHOUSE!!

Overall Thoughts:

Matt: While it felt great to bridge the gap between films and play in this universe again, there was still a lot to be unlocked with the crew. I will be interested to see how in-depth we get into the adult themes the movies explored while still being able to keep the fun about it. I was swerved from the cover page to the in-page artwork, which was a vast departure from one another. However, it was still well done. 7.5/10.

Tom: I agree the filler is a good idea from the last to the new film on paper. But is this what you want to fill your nostalgia with? I hope the writing does something to redeem this mediocre median. Is this going to be a sugar-coated ghost trap? I think so! 4/10

Where to find us?:

Matt: You can find me by heading to

Tom: Yeah after you’ve filled your pint with the HOPSGEEKS CREW you can check me out RIGHT HERE

42/m/🌎 Cleverly Disguised as an "ADULT" Tom always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it that why he's "OFF THE CUFF!" He isn't afraid to talk about anything or to anyone! As an "ELDER MILENNIAL" his Nerd Knowledge runs deep! He's "THAT GUY you take to Trivia Night or Karaoke Night"

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