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Welcome to a very special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!
For this entry, DC Comics is giving readers one hell of a holiday treat. Gotham City can very very unfriendly to outsiders. However, one person pays no mind as he travels there on his route around the globe every December 25th. What event could possibly bring Kris Kringle to the scariest city in the DC Universe?
BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau kicks off an unforgettable story perfect for the holiday season. Let’s take a closer look and see how this team-up fares.
The story begins with a group of Carolers singing in downtown Gotham. Flying overhead is a mysterious group of creatures that appear to have bat wings.
As the group presses onward to sing in the cold, their performance is cut short. The creatures attack the singing group and leave no survivors.
Arriving on the scene to investigate is the Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin. During their exam, Batman notices a neck puncture that appears to have drained their blood.
Knowing this seems out of the ordinary, Batman calls in some help. Walking thru a portal is the Mistress of Magic herself: Zatanna!
After using a spell, she deciphers that creatures known as the Draug are at fault. Zatanna mentions that the Draug are of Norse Vampire decent.
As she is breaking down her findings, one such creature attacks! While it’s in the air, the creature is impaled by a wooden stake. The person behind the weapon? None other than SANTA CLAUS!
Readers quickly find out that this is not the same jolly ol’ Saint Nick that they usually think of. What is his connection to the case? More importantly, what is his connection to Batman?!
As the story progresses, the unlikely team-up dives further into what is behind the Draug being unleashed. Readers get an early holiday gift with fast-paced action and memorable conversations between Santa and some of Gotham’s finest.
This all leads into a final page where it appears someone has Santa on their naughty list and plans on delivering pain and suffering as a gift next issue!
Readers get an early gift via the most unlikely of team-ups. The issue moves briskly to hit its’ major points. Parker mixes in well timed one-liners with a more serious narrative. A good majority of this comes from Damien Wayne’s dialogue. Seeing Batman a bit more at ease and less brooding was a nice change as well. The story still had a dramatic feel to it, but one that also embraced the fun aspect and ran with it. This will be a version of Santa Klaus that won’t soon be forgotten.
BATMAN/SANTA CLAUS: SILENT KNIGHT #1 by Jeff Parker, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair, and Pat Brosseau (Credit: DC COMICS – Cover: Otto Schimdt)
Each time Santa makes an entrance, Parker sets it up to connect with the audience as a major plot point. Heading into the closing moments, Parker unveils much the background story that flows easily into the present. It caps off with a strong final image that is sure to have fans excited to see where things head next.
Bandini, Sinclair and Brosseau don’t delay about setting the tone for this debut issue. The two-page spread of the Draug’s first strike establishes the dangers lying ahead. This is followed up by full (or near full) page debuts for all the major DCU heroes at play.
Doing introductions like this to readers gives more weight to the impactful appearances. The issue is filled with great action images. This plays off the fun dialogue extremely well. The art team builds up the closing images with a dramatic flair to cap off a fun ride that is a fantastic present for readers.
The Dark Knight joining forces with Father Christmas makes for an exciting beginning to what will only be a legendary story. Parker’s exciting writing blends perfectly with Bandini and Sinclair’s energetic art to give readers a tale that they won’t be able to wait to Christmas Day to read! Make sure to pick this one up on New Comic Book Day!
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #1. Thanks for Reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!