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Editor Note: This is a MATURE READERS story. Some of the images might be difficult for younger readers. Discression is advised.

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

For this entry, we’re diving further into the madness and mystery of Alex Greer. Since its’ debut on Comixology Originals, the psychological thriller set in the 1960’s has kept readers on the edge of their seats. Now approaching the midway point, all bets are off on what levels of danger awaits the lost American in Amsterdam.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano continues to peel back the layers of the haunting story. Let’s take a closer look to see where things head now, shall we?


Alex Greer has been through quite the ordeal. After waking up next to a dead woman, Alex has been placed under psychiatric watch. With a vested party watching her every move, Alex tries to find a way out.

This is easier said then done. After seeing the alleged victim working as a nurse, Alex is convinced more is going on. Will she get the chance to prove her innocence?

This chapter opens up with Alex waking up in the middle of a residential street. With kids poking her with a stick, Alex comes to and knows something is wrong. When she looks at a house, readers find out that Greer is “home”.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

As she walks in, Greer sees her mother riving in pain. Readers see the relationship between the two is fragile at best (if at all). As the moments progress, it ends with a chilling message of blaming Alex.

Once it ends, Alex is back at the hospital. Restrained and confused, Dr. Kincaid is standing over her. The drama intensifies as Alex and the doctor have a conversation that doesn’t bode well for his patient.

What over evils are lurking? Can Alex survive another night? More questions arise as Dr. Kinciad is just starting to impose his plan with Alex. Once the final image is revealed, any hope of survival sees further and further out of reach.

Phillips kicks this chapter off pushing Alex’s psyche into an uncomfortable state. Dealing with her relationship with her mother, Alex experiences a truly terrifying experience. Once it concludes, the reality of the situation might be worse than the dream itself.

The verbal chess match between Kincaid and Alex is a strong point to this issue. With everything falling around her, readers see Alex is sill holding onto hope that she will be free soon. Phillips takes this moment of hope and throws readers a curveball with the parting panels. Just when readers think they have an idea, Phillips changes the questions.

BLACK SIGHT #3 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

Boyle and Napolitano being with a nightmare that will shake readers to their core. The imagery of Alex’s mother reflects their broken state. The lettering only amplifies the fear being felt by Alex.

For anyone who’s seen Napolitano’s work, this is no surprise as he is one of the best in the field. Its a connection easy for the readers to make.

This leads into another strong use of Yellow to establish where the story leads now. It’s complimented by a four panel page exemplifying the terror.

As Alex descends further into the dangerous world of Kincaid, the art mirrors the hellish landscape. This builds towards the closing act with captures a facial expression that perfectly closes out another excellent chapter.


The slow-burn breakdown of Alex Greer sinks into a dangerous low with another thrilling chapter. Phillps’ strong writing tears away another layer of Alex’s psyche with Boyle and Napolitano delivering magnificent imagery to ensnare readers throughout the pages. You don’t want to miss this one on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #3. Thanks for reading PARLAY POINTS on Nerd Initiative.


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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