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BLACK SIGHT #1 review – Visions in a dangerous light


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BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Comixology Originals

Creative: STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, we are checking out a brand new series from one of Comic’s biggest writers. With hit series such as Rogue & Gambit (Marvel), Eight Limbs (Humanoids) and THE coolest book at the LCS, GRIM (by BOOM! Studios), the hype is completely justified. Factor in such great series on Comixology Originals alone such stories as We Only Kill Each Other and Mark Dawson’s Beatrix Rose: Vigilante and there is no question with this latest entry is generating so much buzz.

BLACK SIGHT #1 by STEPHANIE PHILLIPS, along with Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano brings forth an intense story of loss and mystery. Let’s not wait another minute and dive in, shall we?


BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

The story begins with a haunting narration. There is a hand reaching through the yellow shading. Its’ intended target is a woman strapped and gagged to a gurney. Her name is Alex Greer.

Things change to what appears to be happier times. Alex is in a club in 1964 Amsterdam. Alex is dancing and enjoying the nightlife. A mysterious man tries to make time with Alex. She vaguely remembers him other than a big watch and bad hygiene. As the night takes over, Alex starts feeling the effects of the good time out.


Outside of the club, Alex vomits. The man tries to help her but Alex refuses. The man seems very focused on taking Alex somewhere for assistance until a stranger walks in and saves Alex from him.

Readers see how Alex’s night takes a different turn then expected. Heading into the final act, no one is prepared for where the story goes from here. Forget what you know and prepare for the unknown. If the final page is any indication, there is much to come to light other than a hangover from the night before.

There’s also a companion short story by Daleyna Abril and Marco Fodera that will be key to unraveling the mystery at hand.

BLACK SIGHT #1 by Stephanie Phillips, Conor Boyle and Tom Napolitano (credit: Comixology Originals – Cover: Dave Johnson)

Phillips scatters the pieces of the enigmatic puzzle being told here, you can’t help but be hooked for the long haul. Alex’s story starts out questionable from the openings page. However, it doesn’t take long for things to go sideways.

The build to the turning point almost feels like smoke and mirrors once the moment happens. It shows why Phillips is one of the best storytellers right now. From that moment, the story flips into a freefall which leaves many questions heading into the concluding pages, ensuring fans can’t afford to miss the next chapter.


Boyle’s art perfectly combines the feel of the 60’s with a haunting edge around it. The use of Yellow coloring plays such a big part in the visuals. There is no better case than the middle act. The usage builds around Alex’s new “friend”, building to a unique full page visual that tips readers off where things head next.

The switch of coloring brings the story back to a cold reality that readers will question especially after the final page. Get ready for a monster hit with this creative team only just starting.


Phillips, Boyle and Napolitano make a big debut with a enrapturing thriller that no one can escape. Superb writing builds for a dramatic twist with stunning visuals solidifying the story you think you see is definitely not all that it seems. Highest possible recommendation for New Comic Book Day this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Sight #1. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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