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THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #3 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)


CREATIVE: Drew Craig and Jason Finestone

Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re checking out the latest chapter of a throwback style series from Image Comics. Since it’s debut, the Savage Strength of Starstorm has brought out elements of the vintage superhero stories of the past.

With its’ latest chapter (by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone), the series looks to expand further ona growing universe. Let’s take a glimpse of what’s happening in the life of Grant Garrison, shall we?


THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #3 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)

Who is Grant Garrison? That is the question surrounding the mysterious teenager who is found with amnesia. When trying to assume a normal high school life, a meteor crashes into Kirby High School. With only fellow student Jen surviving, Grant becomes tangled up with an object that awakens powers inside of him.

Since then, Grant has tried figuring out what happened. Making matters worse, it appears that there are more elements at play with ZOMBIES lurking. Plus, there’s also vested parties in space looking for what Grant ahs to! Suffice to say, things are never dull in his world.


This chapter opens up with Princess Z’Shan Draigo addressing the Tiger Clan about retrieving the Sharsrum, the object which gives Grant his powers. Meanwhile on Earth, Grant is dealing with a Tyrannosaurs Rex rampaging. After somehow using his powers to transform the dinosaur into frogs, Jen tracks Grant down about what happened to them.

They fly to meet Jen’s half-brother Ian in the hospital, recovering from the injuries of the meteor attack. However the happy reunion is cut short as the Tiger Clan arrives to Earth looking for their bounty.

THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #3 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)
THE SAVAGE STRENGTH OF STARSTORM #3 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics)

Is the rookie hero ready for this challenge? Readers see quickly that Grant might have bitten off more than he can chew with this fight. Readers won’t believe the outcome of this skirmish as a message is sent without any uncertainty. The final page leaves much to question as the universe being built here doesn’t stop growing.

This issue was much stronger that the previous one and cleared up some lingering questions. Craig shows no fear in expanding this universe very rapidly. The addition of the Tiger Clan played a bigger role than expected and in a short amount of time, Grant has a steady rogues gallery building.

However, the scenes in the hospital were ones I keyed in on. Hearing the recap thru the conversation streamlined a great deal of the fast moving portions of the series. Once the major conflict happened, readers were all in about Grant fighting back. The closing moments of the battle proved to be a surprise but one that felt like there is way more to that character’s story yet to be told.


The biggest positive to this series is how much the visuals radiate the Kirby style of superheroes. From the initial two-page spread of the Tiger Clan introduction to the two page battle with the T-Rex, Craig showcases he’s having fun with this story. The panels carry a classic feel that most books don’t have these days.

The fight between the Tiger Clan and Grant comes off clean. There are some great full page panels mixed in for a solid dramatic element. Things move at a swift pace with a great stunning ending pieced together. The final moments grow the universe even more but only time will tell how that plays out.


Craig and Finestone layer the foundation of their expanding universe with an engaging issue. The introduction of more rogues proves dangerous through solid writing and strong visuals. This series has such a vintage vibe to it that if you’re into superheroes, this should be on your radar for New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Starstorm #3. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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