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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 Review


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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #108 – Boom! Studios

Copyright © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

Creative Team: Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast via Nerd Initiative.

For this entry, How Morphenomenal has the current Power Rangers story arc by Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice been! Taking over the flagship title at BOOM! STUDIOS with issue #101, the creative team has lit a fire under the fandom with its excellent re-introduction of a fan-favorite villain while challenging the heroes of Angel Grove like never before.

Considering how things left off last issue, readers have been waiting on the edge of their seats for this latest issue to drop! Luckily, the wait is over and a special guest star is filling in on art duties that fans will be excited to see swing through!

MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS #108 by Melissa Flores, Marco Renna, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli and Ed Dukeshire dive into the mystery surrounding the big identity reveal of Mistress Vile’s enforcer! Let’s not delay any longer and dive right in, shall we?


Quick Recap

Copyright © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

The Rita Repulsa fans might remember from the TV show is no more. Out of her shadow has emerged a dangerous foe that the Rangers haven’t been able to stop yet. Her name is Mistress Vile. In a short amount of time, Vile has defeated Lord Zedd, captured and possessed Matt, the Green Ranger, and now is in the final stages of achieving her plan of achieving ultimate power.

The only thing standing in her way is a morphin-powered Lord Zedd looking for revenge. Vile sends her enforcer to deal with him. During the fight, it is revealed that the mysterious figure is none other than ZORDON?!

The Return of ZORDON

The story opens up on the planet Bizerk. Vile and Alpha-1 are standing in front of a frozen figure…Zordon. It is revealed to readers that Vile has placed his consciousness in a time wrap, splitting it from the body! Vile frees him from the ice and without a conscience, Vile uses her powers to persuade him to her cause.

Copyright © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

The story speeds to present time and “The Vessel” hits the scene, making a mindless walk thru the chaos around him from Vile’s forces attacking Angel Grove to head right to the Command Center. Making his way to Zordon’s chamber, the Vessel confronts Rocky, Adam, Alpha and Zordon! The action picks up as The Vessel disposes of the Rangers attack with relative ease. At this stage, he makes the connection with Zordon’s essence!

Readers see the two meet in an unlikely place with a meeting of two minds…literally. Both Zordons have their cases and stances, no one looking to budge. The conversation shifts to the Vessel’s ultimate goals which readers see where Zordon stands in response. The fallout is one that will leave readers guessing as the ripple effect can be felt on the final page.

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Story Review

Copyright © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

Flores brings an “angel vs. devil” approach to the conversation with the Vessel and Zordon within these pages. The pacing for the story allowed for a small moment with other characters but drove home the importance of these to meeting. Once they finally meet and connect, readers get taken on a sound trip through the various emotions and memories both have.

Seeing how both attacked the other with key points kept this moment engaging as the high-stakes game they were playing rolled onward. Diving into the motivations for The Vessel fleshed out some questions readers will have and also positioned its future in an unforeseen direction. The conclusion of the issue leaves much to ponder as a key factor in this conflict seems to be ready to leave its mark.

Artwork Overview

Copyright © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

Renna steps in for art duties and anytime he’s on a book, you know the art will deliver. The steady, methodical walk to the command center early in the issue links up to readers about how focused the Vessel’s mission was. The 2 page spread when they finally meet will be a visual to stand out as that moment sets the tone for the majority of the issue.

The conversation comes across as direct and intense as one would expect. Seeing the reactions both have to the other’s verbal jabs highlights those panels right to its conclusion. Excellent final image to keep readers guessing at what’s next to unfold.


The mystery behind The Vessel’s uncanny mission is brought front and center during the havoc of Mistress Vile’s attack. Flores, Renna and the team throw the spotlight on this character and its counterpart with strong writing and exceptional artwork that will have fans reeling from the meeting of the two minds. You definitely don’t want to miss this issue on NCBD!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you think of MMPR #108. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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