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MMPR/ TMNT II #5 – Fandoms Collide for an epic finale


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MMPR/ TMNT II #5 – Boom! Studios & IDW Publishing

©2023 IDW Publishing & © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

Creative Team: Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire

Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of the sequel story uniting two of the biggest teams in all of pop culture fandom. Since their last pairing back in 2019, fans have been waiting to see when these forces combine for another fantastic adventure. Their wait wasn’t too long as in December of 2022, Boom! Studios and IDW teamed up again for the next chapter.

The series has been nothing but a win with a creative team that has delivered on an unforgettable run, building towards an epic finale. MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS/TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II #5 by Ryan Parrott, Dan Mora, Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire sets the stage for the ultimate showdown. Let’s not delay any longer and dive right in, shall we?


Setting The Scene

Set only months after their initial meeting, the combined forces of Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles have been faced with the combined threat of Krang and Rita Repulsa. Shredder had been laying low after his defeat from the merged forces. Casey Jones (longtime TMNT ally) went searching for him and wound up getting captured, or so readers thought. Meanwhile the united bad guys took the fight directly to Angel Grove with a takeover of the command center with the clear intent of accessing the Morphin Grid.

©2023 IDW Publishing & © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

All would have been lost if not for an unlikely “ally” in the battle: Shredder! “The enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend” has never been more true as an uneasy alliance was formed to stop Rita and Krang once and for all. Their reasons vary on why but neither side is complaining about the support. The fight has worked its way across Angel Grove and Dimension X with many twists and turns to keep both fan bases on the edge of their seats with each issue. With the last issue’s ending, Krang looks to finish the fight once and for all, taking over the Megazord in his own twisted fashion.

This Issue

This issue opens up with the TMNT team (infused with the powers of the Dimension X broken morphers) returning to the Command Center to face off with Rita. However, Rita is waiting for them with a powered up and brainwashed Casey Jones poised to fight. Meanwhile, the fight for Angel Grove is in full swing as the Power Rangers (mutated into animal hybrids) attempt to slow down the Mega-Krang giant.

In their current state, they can’t summon their zords, but one person can. Shredder activates a morpher and summons the Green Ranger’s Dragonzord!!! The feared TMNT adversary in charge of one of the most powerful weapons is a worrisome site but the Rangers get some more back-up as Zordon and Alpha arrive in a TurtleZord ready for action!

©2023 IDW Publishing & © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

From here on out, the issue shifts to all action. It may be cliché to say “Big Fight Feel”, but that is exactly what fans witness here. In one corner, it’s DragonZord and TurtleZord vs Mega Krang! In the other is the Turtles facing off against Rita and Casey! Both battles live up to expectations with a few well-timed moments mixed in. They hit their marks and the fallouts feel impactful.

The resolution plays into both fandoms with excellent parting moments. One moment brings everything back full circle to a degree, reminding readers of how great crossovers like these are when done right. The final moments play into more MMPR/TMNT lore, leaving endless possibilities of what’s next should we see these teams together again.

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Story Review

Parrott constructs a closing chapter that will have fans raving in the weeks following. Balancing two fandoms of such pop-culture appeal can be difficult. Parrott plays into the strengths of each team to bring out the best in their heroic actions. Making Shredder a “frenemy” to a degree was a highlight of this issue and series. Seeing him use the powers of the Green Ranger & using the Dragonzord was a great twist.

©2023 IDW Publishing & © 2005-2020 BOOM! Entertainment, Inc

The uneasy tension he creates added to the drama. The Rangers kept waiting for the shoe to drop and him to turn, but he never did. This all plays into the long game of his ultimate goals, but seeing him save the day stands out. The sub-plotline with Casey Jones also is a highlight moment for this series. With juggling so many characters involved, putting the spotlight on his arc broke away the sole focus on both teams for a great feature. Meshing up elements of both fandoms played out perfectly as well.

The reaction after the mutation powers fade by the Rangers is prime example of this. Readers get so many possibilities presented and implemented that you can’t help but be excited for potential future adventures involving these two teams, should the situation arise.

Artwork Overview

Bringing in the premier artist in comics for this project was a huge win from the start. Seeing Mora bring his infectious action sequences to life is a whole other level of amazing. The battles of Zords pulls no punches with an attention to detail unmatched. The Mega Krang reflection in the TurtleZord’s faceplate is a prime example of this.

There is one near full page panel that fans will be ecstatic to see and how detailed it is will absolutely blow fans away. Not everything about this issue involves action to make an imprint. The anguish in Casey Jones’ face in the concluding moments of his story is another area.

Mora blends in the quiet moments and gives them equal value to the full blown intensity of the big action panels. Mora gives readers much to digest with the closing panels. They will no doubt have fans buzzing about if and when paths cross again for these franchises.


Parrott and Mora merge the best of what makes these two fandoms special into a series that readers won’t be able to stop talking about. The finale brings the action with the incredible visuals provided by Mora and Raul Angulo, giving both teams a battle living up to its billing. Parrott’s writing is superb, tying in the emotional aspects of the young heroes facing a combined front by dangerous villains on the verge of finally succeeding in their plans. The series never falters and nails the landing with what transpires within these pages. You simply cannot miss this incredible series & finale!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of MMPR/TMNT II #5 and the series in general. Thanks for reading!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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