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GRANDMA CHAINSAW #1 – Mind Your Manners!


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GRANDMA CHAINSAW #1Source Point Press

Creative Team: Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast by way of Nerd Initiative! For this entry, one of our favorite independent comic teams are back at it with a brand new Kickstarter project starting April 4th, 2023: Grandma Chainsaw #1!

Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Brian Balando, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz are the team behind the kickstarter legend POCUS HOCUS, which released its’ “Soulless Edition” not so long ago. Their latest project is ready to campaign! In case you’re new to the Top Hat Studios team and their instant horror classic, let’s take a trip back in time for the ODPHpod Parlay Points review of Grandma Chainsaw #1, Shall we?


A Brand New Horror Classic!

The story kicks off with two people bound and gagged inside a deprecated house. Underneath them is a plastic sheet because, “Messes Cause Stresses,” per the voice of a narrator in the background. That voice appears to be a sweet old grandmother. However, there is nothing nice and sweet about her, as she brutally kills the pair with a chainsaw! This is classic horror storytelling with a dash of dark humor mixed in.

While this is happening, four friends (Haiden, his sister Gabby, girlfriend Haley and Liz) stop at a gas station trying to find their way to the beach. Their GPS and phones aren’t working, so being lost on a dark and gloomy night isn’t ideal for anyone. They ask for help from someone “working” there but get little for their efforts: A raise of the arm and a point.

More Horror Comics HERE

From Bad To Worse

As they drive away, the worker dissolves as a zombie would, meaning the friends’ night is only going to get worse. As they drive down the road, it becomes more and more narrow, until it stops at a dead end. Just to add icing on this already depressing cake, a flat tire leaves them stranded. “Luckily”, there’s a certain nearby house, where a certain grandma is just waiting to “help” them.

As they go inside, there’s no working phone to call for help. However, there is a handyman who will stop by in the morning to take a look at the car. The group heads inside for some comfort food and conversation with Hazel, the grandmother.

As the evening progresses, so does the danger and tension. Readers see what happens when guests don’t mind their manners. What happens after dinner? Will any of the four not make it through the night? And is there even any help on the way? Readers will have those answers and more with a great kick-off to this story.

Check Out Nerd Initiative’s First Interview With Allen Dunford HERE

Story Review

Dunford and Radford have set the table for a well-balanced serving of traditional horror with dashes of well-timed humor mixed in for balance. Hazel is everything you would expect on the outside for a horror antagonist. The writing captures her maniacal ways as she revels in her attacks. There are certain quirks she has that make for some memorable scenes. The “Elbows off the table” is prime example of this.

Events move pretty quickly and not going to lie, I laughed out loud at the ending with who shows up. No spoilers here, but it worked on so many levels and Gabby’s comment to close out was perfect. The team truly enjoys what they do here and it shines through on the pages.

Artwork Overview

Balando’s art really brings out the creepy and gorey aspects of the tale being told here. The imagery is dark and brooding when it needs to be. It’s also a credit to the coloring of Jasen Smith.

No punches are pulled when Hazel does what she does. The teens that she encounters react as one would expect. There’s one notable scene involving teeth that illustrates this perfectly.

Once the story gets down to business, Balando amps up the intensity of the panels. There’s a difference to them when Hazel strikes, much like horror movies build to that fever pitch before the payoff. Just wait for the ending sequence. It segues nicely to set up the next chapter of an already wild series of events unfolding.

Final Point

EAT, SLAY LOVE! The team behind “Pocus Hocus” brings their magic over to a traditional horror tale, and amp it up to 100. Readers (no the guests) are in for a treat seeing Hazel bring the terror with excellent writing and art. Sending readers down a dark path into trying to survive the night in one piece.

Make sure to keep an eye out for this series and Pocus Hocus Soulless Edition wherever you can find them.

Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Grandma Chainsaw #1. Make sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign for GC #2 and thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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