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Finally, it’s time to get the conclusion to one of the best horror Christmas stories of all time. Who is the Deviant Killer? Who will survive? Who will take the fall? These questions and more get answered in the finale of The Deviant.
The Deviant #9
Written By James Tynion IV – Art By Joshua Hixson
Letters By Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Edited By Steve Foxe – Published By Image Comics
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
Bloody Christmas
Derek and Josh are sitting in a bar trying to find out who the new Deviant Killer is to clear Michael’s name. As they go through the original Deviant Killer’s (Randall) things, Josh has to use the bathroom. He discovers the body of the bartender in a stall and the lights cut off. Thankfully Agent Hall is on his way and gets to the bar just in time to find Derek outside. The final confrontation is upon us.
Agent Hall comes up with a plan to capture the killer, as they need him alive so it will prove that both Michael and Derek are innocent. Hall finds Josh upon entering the bar, but that sparks off the final encounter. Can Hall, Josh, and Derek overcome the killer, or will they become his Christmas Day victims?
Deck the Halls with Blood & Gory
After waiting for what seemed like forever for this final issue of the story, this book delivered and then some. James Tynion IV not only gave us a fitting ending, but also a wonderful epilogue. The killer’s identity comes out of left field, but after the explanation it makes perfect sense. This issue, much like the series had suspense, horror, and an awesome look into the psyche of all the characters involved.
The art in this issue and series is outstanding and really brings the world to life. Joshua Hixson brings the fire with his art style on this one. The gory scenes are disturbing, well the backgrounds have beautiful, lonely feel. Every page looks amazing and makes your eyes focus on all the little details.
Check Out My Review of The Deviant #8
Final Thoughts
The Deviant #9 is a perfect end to an outstanding story. If horror/thriller/mystery books are your thing, this is the best of all those worlds! Make sure to pick a copy up at your LCS and keep an eye out for the TPB.
Overall Grade: 10/10
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