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Alcatraz. Arguably the most famous prison in the world. An inescapable fortress. In June 1962, Frank Morris and Clarence Anglin escaped. Modesto is their current location but it can’t be for long. Fugitives from Alcatraz is something law enforcement doesn’t want to have out in public. The hunt is on the pair. Freedom seems to be in their grasp. What gives first?

OUT OF ALCATRAZ #1 by Christopher Cantwell and Tyler Crook ushers in one of 2025’s most highly anticipated series.

Let’s not wait any longer and dive into the story.


Cantwell pieces together an thrilling intro in mere moments. Morris and Anglin are not good men. Their escape on rough waters is met with much intensity. When Anglin’s brother becomes lost at sea, their dynamic instantly changes. The uneasy partnership makes its way into Modesto. Escaping seems like the easy part at this stage. Once on land, both struggle to handle the consequences of the escape.

Their deal with a mysterious contact crafts a ticking timebomb. Every conversation with the driven Morris and grieving Anglin bursts with anger and guilt. This spills over as they try staying out of sight. A simple visit into town draws rage from Morris. Knowing what is at stake, he’s not willing to let Anglin ruin his “freedom”. This spirals into uncomfortable moments with the towns people.


The writing doesn’t back down from the immense pressure rising. Both escapees Readers watch as an ill-fated curve is thrown into the mix. Cantwell brings out the ugliness of society which is decided by the lesser of two evils. There’s never a moment that lets up the weight of what unfolds. Readers won’t have time to process after they see the final page. Talk about a showstopping moment. If this is the opening chapter, there is no telling what to expect from here!

Crook doesn’t delay in constructing the bold escape. The panels are loaded with the challenges of the escape. There is many expressions displayed in these panels. It ultimately wraps up with a two page spread of the survivors. As Morris and Anglin maneuver off the radar, readers see the frustrations boil over. The back and forth images of Alcatraz to their freedom get a huge boost from the lettering. Readers witness the frantic reactions to find out what happened. This leads to a semblance of normalcy that is short lived.

The art doesn’t back away from the repulsiveness of society themes in this era. Readers watch as this comes into play multiple times in the issue. There never is a sense of these are “good” people to cheer for. The art shows how deeply flawed and damaged they are. This is seen in almost every interaction Morris comes across. Panels capture his broken soul as his anger responds to issues. Heading into the latter half of the book, this becomes clear.

One instance becomes a complicated problem for the pair. Switching up the coloring, a red half page image crashes down one conflict. This becomes quickly doused by the final page’s impact. The final panel puts everything in flux. Crook leaves it all in this issue which fans will be raving about.


An escape from Alcatraz becomes a highway to Hell in this opening salvo. Cantwell takes the two leads into deep levels with the writing. Crook’s art sets the stage with the painful repercussions of their actions. This story is one readers won’t want to escape from anytime soon.

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on OUT OF ALCATRAZ #1. Thanks for reading!  CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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