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FML #4 – Love Will Overcome Adversity


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After finding a dead body, Riley and his band find themselves arrested and accused of murder. Meanwhile, Patty is not only trying to clear the kids’ names but also figure out who killed her friend.

Credit: Dark Horse Comics

FML #4

Written By Kelly Sue DeConnick – Art By David Lòpez

Colors By Cris Peter – Letters By Clayton Cowles

Edited By Daniel Chabon – Published By Dark Horse Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

We Are Not Killers

The kids get arrested and taken in for the murder of the dead body they found at their hangout spot. But they need not to fear as Patty and her friends come to the rescue at the precinct, and they are not afraid to make a scene. The kids are released to the adults, after Patty’s friend Kim reveals she is an attorney and gets them turned over to the adults.

In the process they discover that the man they thought was responsible for Kat’s death, is the body that the kids discovered. Now this puts Patty and company into a whole new tizzy. Because of Patty’s state of mind Riley’s dad flies’ home to be with his family. However, this only makes things a little more hectic.

Back at Square One

FML #4 really builds out the story and brings us closer to the family and friends. At the same time the fourth wall breaks are pure comedic gold. Kelly Sue DeConnick does an excellent job of mixing humor in with the heart felt story. But also, she doesn’t allow you to forget this book still has a mystery thriller element behind it as well.

The punk rock art style of this issue and series is absolutely fantastic. David Lòpez does a phenomenal job on the character design and the entire art structure. Cris Peter’s colors make the art pop off the page, and Clayton Cowles letters bring it all together. This art team is truly slaying it on this series.

Check Out My Review of FML #3

Final Thoughts

FML #4 brings a lot of fun and hart to a mystery thriller series. As much as it builds on the story, it also takes the time to purely entertain us readers. This is a must pick up series that should already be on your Pull List at your LCS.

Overall Grade: 9/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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