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Last we saw Tariq Geiger; he was having a complete meltdown. As Nate sprung into action to save his friend, did he make it in time? And if he did, was it a savior they found?
Geiger #11
Written By Geoff Johns – Art By Gary Frank
Colors By Brad Anderson – Letters By Rob Leigh
Edited By Brian Cunningham – Published By Ghost Machine/Image Comics
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
Welcome to the Sanctuary
Nate gets Tariq to the outside walls of Lewistown and calls for help. Initially they are turned away by a woman at the gate, until Nate begs for help and mentions they are seeking Ash Arden. It turns out the woman is Ash Arden and she than helps Tariq. She gives him some DTPA and that reduces the radiation in his blood, which stabilizes him.
Well being nursed back to health, Tariq has a fever dream about his family, and the monster he’s become. Upon waking Tariq has a conversation with Ash, where they find out that the same person who helped Tariq become the Glowing Man also helped her becoming the Glowing Woman. However, she appears to have complete control over her condition, which Tariq can’t handle or believe.
At the same time Junkyard Joe has an incident that affects some of the residents of Lewistown. When Tariq, Nate, and Ash come upon the incident, Tariq loses it causing him once again to meltdown. Leaving him once again needing help.
“I Still Offer You Help”
This is the first issue of the new arc in this story, and it delivers. Finally in Lewistown and receiving help almost feels like a new hope will arise. But, between Tariq’s own skepticism, the uncertainty of who Ash Arden truly is, and the volatility of Junkyard Joe we are in for one hell of a ride, and Geoff Johns is the perfect conductor for said ride.
Turning to the art and as always, this book is one of the best in the business currently. Gary Frank’s character designs and backgrounds are astounding. Then you add Brad Anderson’s colors, and it becomes a perfect storm of creativity.
Check Out My Review of Geiger #10
Final Thoughts
Geiger #11 is a great jump on issue for anyone who is not already aboard the Geiger train. The story is ramping up for what appears to be another incredible ride for this series. Pick this issue up at the LCS this week, and make sure to add it to your Pull List, so you don’t miss out on what’s to come.
Overall Grade: 9/10
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