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When Slade and his family must move into an old, dilapidated house that was owned by his late father. He would never have been able to guess what would await him. It’s not every day you find out that there is a warzone in your front yard between waring bug factions.
Bug Wars #1
Written By Jason Aaron – Art By Mahmud Asrar
Colors By Matt Wilson – Letters By Becca Carey
Published By Image Comics
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
The War Begins…
The issue opens with what becomes known as the Rootguard Massacre. The massacre starts because the Beetle Barbarians have worked themselves into a tizzy over rumors of a great storm that is on its way. So naturally their answer to this problem is to invade and destroy the nearest anthill, which happens to be Rootguard IV. The only problem for the barbarians is that the Colony is protected by the Anturions, an elite ant fighting force.
As the battle begins, the ants who not only have the numbers, but also the better strategy, easily start taking out the barbarians. Not to be outdone the barbarians use their large beetle riders to try and salvage what they can. However, before they can even get started, the great storm decimates them all.
We then find out the storm isn’t a storm, but instead it’s a lawnmower that is being operated by Sydney. We also discover the battlefield is nothing more than the front yard of a house in the country. Sydney, his mom, and his little brother Slade are moving into their deceased father’s dilapidated old house. They have faced some hard times financially, so this move is not one of choice, but one of necessity.
We find out that the father died in the house and Sydney when he was a little kid found the body, which appeared to be eaten by insects. This is why Sydney hates insects and tries to kill them. Meanwhile, Slade who didn’t get to meet his father has a love for insects, like his father did. When their mother goes to work, Sydney goes insane and kills all of Slade’s insects. As Slade tries to escape and save his favorite Rhino Beetle, Pac, he gets trapped in the basement. But before his brother can get him, he finds himself shrunk down to the size of a bug and surrounded by Beetle Wranglers.
Where Am I?
Bug Wars #1 is a great kickoff issue and really immerses you in the world right away. Jason Aaron does an awesome job of building the world that we are in. He also does an awesome job of introducing us to the family and getting to know them, well also keeping some things back to build intrigue. The introduction to some of the bug factions also works out and helps shape where we may be going as this series progresses.
The art in this book is absolutely stunning! The design of the different bugs and even our main characters are really cool. But the best part of the art is the action sequences with the bug gore and all the little details in the background. The art department kills it (literally) and brings the story to life.
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Final Thoughts
Bug Wars #1 is awesome and a must pick up at your LCS on this fine NCBD. The adult content of the book makes this great for mature readers. This book is the mix of A Bugs Life meets Honey I Shrunk the Kids, if they took place in a Mad Max universe. Make sure this book is on your Pull List because you won’t want to miss the action as it unfolds in this series.
Overall Grade: 10/10
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