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Tess and the kids are getting more comfortable with the Island of Demonde. However, a meeting with the Mesopotamian Goddess of the Dead looms over the horizon and topping that is Teo’s unhappiness with being away from home.
Archaic #3
Written By Melissa F. Olson – Pencils By Sally Cantirino
Colors By Gab Contreras – Letters By Rob Steen
Edited By Sarah Litt – Published By Ahoy Comics
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
The Island Gives You Everything You Desire
Tess awakens from a flashback nightmare and realizes she slept until the afternoon. She discovers that the twins are being spoiled by Faria, as well as Teo who has received a new computer. Still worried that her family can be tracked by the bad people that were after her husband, Faria puts her mind at ease. However, Teo is still unhappy and wants to return home.
Tess can’t dwell on that for too long as she has her meeting with Ereshkigal which is scheduled for that evening. She gets a crash course on the Goddess from Liam, so she will know what to expect. When the time comes the Island creates a path to follow for Tess to make it to the south gate for her meeting. At the meeting Ereshkigal has an odd request and raises some questions for Tess.
Have You Tried to Leave?
Archaic #3 continues to slow burn the reveal of the Islands motives and how Tess is part of its grand design. Melissa F. Olson does a great job of keeping the reader intrigued, well at the same time giving us enough information to keep us hooked. The more of the story you read, the more you can’t wait to read more.
The classic look of the art in this issue and series continues to be a strong point. Sally Cantirino does an excellent job with the character design and look of the Island. Well Gab Contreras color work matches the art perfectly.
Check Out My Review of Archaic # 2
Final Thoughts
Archaic #3 takes us on the next step of the journey of Demonde. As a few mysteries are revealed in this issue, there are plenty more that are still waiting to be discovered. This is a series that needs to be enjoyed as an entire story, so this is a must for your Pull List.
Overall Grade: 8.5/10
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