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After the courtroom chaos, Venom is thrust back into the fray without a clear host. This issue pits Venom against numerous villains, while Dylan Brock will do whatever it takes to get his symbiote back. As our new anti-hero navigates this tumultuous environment, the question remains: Who will emerge as the new Venom?

Creative Team: Al Ewing (Writer,) Carlos Gomez (Artist,) Frank D’Armata (Color Artist,) VC’s Clayton Cowles (Letterer,) and Cover by Adam Kubert & Laura Martin. Publisher: Marvel Comics

Credit: Marvel Comics

***Possible Spoiler Warning***

Plot Summary

In “All-New Venom #2,” the spotlight returns to Venom following the courtroom incident. The action starts in Times Square as Venom confronts the comical villain team, the ‘Death-Throws,’ and their new recruits. Despite easily defeating the recruits, Death-Throw manages to escape. Suddenly, a new government attack squad (at least new to me), the S.C.A.R. Squad One, a team designed for containment and relocation, intervenes in an attempt to capture Venom.

The narrative then shifts back to explore the mystery of the new Venom’s identity, considering suspects including Rick Jones, Joe “Robbie” Robertson, and Luke Cage. Concurrently, the story delves into Dylan Brock’s life with his adoptive family, Paul Rabin and MJ Watson. Dylan defiantly leaves home to track the new Venom, stumbling upon him in a warehouse where a battle unfolds.

The Art

Carlos Gomez delivers stunningly detailed and visceral artwork in this issue. The new gold Venom logo stands out, providing a vibrant contrast against the all-black suit and action-packed scenes. Each character’s face is drawn with expressive detail, enhancing the emotional depth of the story. This makes the issue a visually captivating read for action enthusiasts and those keen to discover the answer to who’s inside the “All-New Venom.”

The Writing

Al Ewing’s writing propels the story at a brisk pace, though it starts with a slightly cheesy tone. The rapid succession of battles and the frequent character shifts—from Venom to potential Venoms to Dylan’s home life—feel a bit crammed into one issue. While the dialogue accurately reflects the characters’ situations, it occasionally comes across as too “on-the-nose” for me. Nevertheless, this setup promises to segue intriguingly into the third issue, potentially smoothing out the pacing and leading to a satisfying conclusion to the series.

Overall Thoughts

As someone who has never been particularly drawn to Venom, I find the whodunit approach in this series refreshingly engaging, presenting a novel take on Venom’s origin story. While the initial goofiness and the convenience of the confrontations didn’t entirely win me over, the sheer thrill of the action and the unfolding mystery have me eagerly anticipating future developments. Who is the new Venom? This question alone makes the series a compelling read.

Overall Grade: 7.5/10

This review was written by Thomas Craig of The Joy Schtick Show, where three friends from Hawaii explore the movies, TV shows, comics, and pop culture bringing us JOY! For more reviews and to catch up on all our episodes, head to

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