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Creepshow #4 – Vampires and Demon Pro Wrestlers Come to Life


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The Creeper is back with a couple of tales that go bump in the night. Vampires invade a small town and haunt a young woman. While a Luchadora is trying to live up to the legend of her father at any cost. These are the tales that will make your skin crawl in this issue.

Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

Creepshow #4

Edited By Alex Antone – Published By Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are

Written By Kyle Starks – Art By Fran Galàn – Letters By Pat Brosseau

A group of teenagers come across a dead body in the woods. The body has been drained of blood, which indicates that there are vampires on the loose. As nobody will believe the kids, it’s up to them to find the blood suckers and end them. Unfortunately, this is a task that is easier said than done.

This opening story has a little of everything. Some humor, foreshadowing, violence, and of course a great twist at the end. Kyle Starks weaves a fantastic tale with an awesome payoff. The art is also superb and mirrors perfectly what the story is telling.

La Mascara De La Muerte

Written By Henry Barajas – Art By Dani – Colors By Brad Simpson – Letters By Pat Brosseau

A Luchadora loses her mask in a very important match. This makes her feel like she has let her family legacy down. To repair this, she decides to don the mask of her legendary father. Her Aunt forewarns her that this is a bad idea, and that her father was forever changed by this mask. By ignoring these warnings, she may meet the same fate.

This story tells a great cultural tale based around Lucha Libre. The flow of the story, mixed with the cause-and-effect nature, makes this story top tier. The art for this section is amazing. The use of colors to change the mood of the story really works. With the character design also being top notch.

Check Out My Review of Creepshow #3

Final Thoughts

Creepshow #4 continues the trend of this series being one of the best in the horror anthology world. Two tales that bring something completely different yet deliver the most bang for your buck. This issue is a must grab for horror comic readers, and the series should make its way to your Pull List as well.

Final Grade: 9.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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