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The Terminator #3 – Nightmare in Vietnam


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Private First-Class Edward Duggan is a soldier in the Vietnam War, but that’s the least of his current issue. He is being hunted down by a T-800 and is on the run for his life.

Credit: Dynamite Entertainment

The Terminator #3

Written By Declan Shalvey – Art By David O’Sullivan

Colors By Colin Craker – Letters By Jeff Eckleberry

Edited By Nate Cosby – Published By Dynamite Entertainment

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Apocalypse Then: Part Two

Edward Duggan encounters a Vietnamese soldier in the jungles of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. After getting a good look at the soldier something isn’t right. The soldier isn’t a man, yet he is a robot and now is hunting down Edward. As Edward is trying to outrun the T-800, who has now acquired a tank, he enters an American base. Once in the base his fellow troops blew up the tank.

Once on the base Edward reveals his reasoning for coming to the base, which is to get his wife and child. After getting them he solicits a ride on a helicopter to help them escape the madness in Vietnam. However, he should’ve focused on if the Terminator was really taken out back at the base.

Soldier on the Run

The Terminator #3 is an action-packed thrill ride of an issue. Declan Shalvey is creating a whole new world of possibilities for The Terminator franchise. This issue has an interesting premise with a great finish that makes you think about what’s to come.

The art in this issue is very good and brings the world to life. David O’Sullivan puts a great deal of detail in every panel. While the colors used by Colin Craker matches the art flawlessly.

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Final Thoughts

The Terminator #3 is a joyride of an issue that’s action packed from start to finish. Building a new world in a beloved franchise is always a hard feat, but this issue hits all cylinders.If you are looking for an entertaining read, give The Terminator a try this week.

Final Grade: 8.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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