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The Powerpuff Girls #6- Who’s In The Llama Suit?


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So, Fruit Llamas are awesome. But, they are dangerous at times. And this is one of the rare instances where they are dangerous. Writer Paulina Gancheau, Artists Silvia De Ventura And Carlo Lauro, Colorist Giulia Lafranceschina, and Letterer Jeff Eckleberry have a crazy but fun issue they created.

Read The Powerpuff Girls Winter Snowdown Showdown #1 Here

The Powerpuff Girls #6 Cover A By Paulina Ganucheau (Credit: Dynamite)

The issue starts off early Saturday morning. And we see Bubbles waking up first for a special reason. Her favorite show, My Frootie Friends, is having an all-day marathon on TV. And she is the only one out of the girls excited for it.

We then see her put the TV on with her plush Patootie Frootie next to her. And we also see Blossom and Buttercup still on the couch kinda sleepy. The scene shifts to an almost full-page panel showing the theme song playing, while Blossom and Buttercup are having breakfast.

From there, we see a full page of The Professor, Blossom, and Buttercup having a normal. And it’s offset with Bubbles watching her show for the whole day. Now, when The Professor tells Bubbles it’s time for dinner, something interesting happens. She wishes for Patootie Frootie to be real.

We then cut to the next morning, and we see Blossom and Buttercup having a little fun in the bathroom. We then see Bullbles fly in, asking The Professor if he has seen her Patootie Frootie plush. She rushes downstairs to the living room, and is hit with a surprise.

Her Patootie Frootie plush has come alive. And he also talks, which is very interesting to see. We proceed to see Patootie Frootie turn objects in the house into fruit. And then we see Buttercup, Blossom, and The Professor with the objects-turned-fruit. And Buttercup is not happy that her ball was broken.

Now what follows is fun. We see Patootie and Bubbles out on a crazy adventure. And everything and everyone turning into fruit. And then Blossom and Buttercup come and try to help, but they get turned into fruit. It is then revealed who is under the llama suit.

And It is the villain known as Him. And you don’t want to see Bubbles when she’s angry. She leads an all-out attack on Him, and it’s wonderful to see. The final panel shows the girls and The Professor enjoying TV.

Final Score: 10

Dynamite has put together an all-star team for this book. And this team continues to crank out a fantastic comic book every month.

Kat Is A D&D Nerd And Comic Book Lover. She Can Always Be Found Either Watching TTRPG Content/Episodes Of Power Rangers Samurai On YouTube/Tubi Or Reading A Comic Book Or Playing D&D. She Also Runs Her Own Blog, Music News Daily, Where She Shares Her Love Of Music And Reports On The Latest In Both Music News, Tour/Festival News, And New Album/Vinyl News.

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