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Space Ghost #8 – Ghosts From the Past


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Space Ghost is confronted with a foe from his past. Can he keep his cool and prevail or will he let his anger takeover and put everyone in jeopardy?

Credit: Dynamite Entertainment

Space Ghost #8

Written By David Pepose – Art By Jonathan Lau

Colors By Andrew Dalhouse – Letters By Taylor Esposito

Edited By Joseph Rybandt – Published By Dynamite Entertainment

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

The Past Returns to Haunt the Present

In a flashback from his past life, Space Ghost remembers his life on the Planet Vector. He relives the murder of his family at the hands of General Metallus and his minions. As we snap back to the present day, our heroes are answering an S.O.S call from the Ulysses, which is under attack.

As Space Ghost enters the fight, it becomes apparent that he is squaring up against General Metallus. He has trouble keeping his cool and composure which makes the fight harder than it already was. With the decisions that Space Ghost is making in this fight, he’s really up against the wall.

The Battle of His Life

Space Ghost #8 continues the trend from this series of always upping the ante. David Pepose doubles down on the suspense and the threat for our favorite galactic hero. We have thought Space Ghost was doomed before, but this time the threat feels more real than ever.

The art department crushes it as always in this issue. Jonathan Lau’s character and set designs are next level. While the color pallet used by Andrew Dalhouse brings everything to life.

Check Out My Review of Space Ghost #7

Final Thoughts

Space Ghost #8 is another homerun from this series. The story arc has been top notch, and this book takes it to yet another level. If this series is not already on your Pull List, you are truly missing out on one of the best series in comics today.

Final Grade: 9.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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