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Credit DC Comics

Oa stands in its’ darkest moment. Lord Premier Thaaros has evolved into something even more sinister. The only thing standing in his way is Hal Jordan. It’s the showdown everyone has been waiting for! Jordan and his allies versus Thaaros and his United Planets Lanterns. WINNER. TAKES. ALL!

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) concludes the Civil Corps storyline!

Let’s take a deeper dive at how events play out.


Adams brings a thunderous conclusion to this epic saga. Right from the start, stakes feel monumental. Launching Jordan and company right into combat throws everything into chaos. It is a brief moment as Adams’ pacing casts the spotlight on a few notable Lanterns.

Seeing Kyle Rayner and Kilowog back in the fray is a huge win. Star Sapphire’s role is brief but effective. This ultimately leads back into the main event of the chapter.


Pacing picks up as Jordan’s fearless instincts kick in. Readers watch as big action starts to unfold. It drives home the significance of the Lanterns. Being guardians of the cosmos, Jordan understands this more than anyone. It’s fitting he leads the last charge.

Adams writes in a moment that pops off the page. Jordan’s one-liner indicates the true power of the lanterns: Will. Readers watch as the Lantern Corps takes the conflict to a whole new stage. It delivers on a satisfying resolution. Before departing, Adams leaves the audience with a parting surprise. If there was ever a time to jump into Green Lantern, it is during this run.

Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. go BIG for the visuals for this conclusion. Thaaros starts events with a full page image. This is upstaged by a show-stopping two page spread. Seeing the Lanterns in action ushers in the final stand. Varron’s entry gets the full page treatment. Kilowog gets a very unique flashback page as well. This might be enough for some books, but not this one.

The art team puts together a series of two page splashes. Thaaros and Jordan’s brawl keeps gaining moment during these impressive images. Without question, these will be a crowd pleaser. The energy and feel of these pages will lock readers in to the stunning close. One light burns out. The final panel indicates Jordan and company are not done in fighting the injustices of space.


In the last stand of OA, the Green Lanterns are not going down quietly. Adams pens a phenomenal close with the writing. Xermánico, Fajardo Jr. and Shapre present the stunning images fitting for such a devastating finale. This is one you won’t want to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #18. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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