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Creepshow: Holiday Special 2024 – Happy Horror Holidays


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Tis the season for holiday cheer, or is it holiday horror? Creepshow has thrown it’s hat into the holiday special market with two macabre tales for the season.

Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

Creepshow: Holiday Special 2024

Edited By Ben Abernathy – Published By Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Auld Lang Syne

Written By Tini & Blake Howard – Art By Stevan Subic – Letters By Pat Brosseau

It’s New Years Eve and Bertie Crenshaw is uncharacteristically going to a party to ring in the new year. Bertie is normally a very reserved man, who is a little bit of a workaholic. But the reason this party peaked his interest is because it’s an ancient Egypt themed party. Bertie has always fancied himself as one who would have fit into ancient Egypt.

At the party other guests are enjoying some debauchery and enjoying the festivities. After Bertie arrives the host starts the ritual. He gives them gifts and shares a very special drink with them, which they soon find out is made from a mummy. The guest get a little sick, but what happens next is far worse.

This opening tale hits the spot for having some cool history attached to it. The art makes it look like its the turn of the century in London. Also, the art gets very gory later in the story to suffice the readers blood lust. The down side of the story, is that it really has nothing to do with New Years, other than taking place on the day. Being a holiday special one would think it would play a bigger role in the story.

Late Night Terry Reno

Written By Rob Williams – Art By Pye Parr – Letters By Pat Brosseau

The second tale involves a late night host Terry Reno, as he prepares for his holiday special. We discover that Terry is not a kind or nice person, and one could say he is a bully. After the shows rehearsal, the studio executive wants there to be a bigger finale for the show. It is suggested that he bring his puppet Saucey out of retirement for one final act. He says he’ll do it, as long as he gets to destroy the puppet after. The executive and audience will never forget what they saw that night.

This is a Scrooge type story, with an antagonist that is easily unlikeable. The art matches the 1970’s feel it’s portraying, especially with the color pallet being used. The final panel is a shocking one that comes out of left field. Once again, this story doesn’t have much to do with the holiday, besides the time its set in.

Check Out My Review of Creepshow #3

Final Thoughts

The Creepshow: Holiday Special 2024 is a fun read that you won’t regret reading. However, if you are looking for something that is an actual holiday special, this is not for you. Horror fans should grab this one for a fun read when you visit your LCS. Holiday season fans can leave it in on the shelf.

Final Grade: 7/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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