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When fans think of Batman, many images pop into mind. Caped Crusader. Dark Knight. One description might stand out from the rest. “World’s Greatest Detective”. Seeing the evolution of his skills has always been exciting to watch.

A new series looks to showcase the early days with a unique format. “Dark Patterns” is a 12 issue series spotlighting four very unique and grounded cases. This is a whole new look at Batman as he starts to etch his legacy.

BATMAN: DARK PATTERNS #1 by Dan Watters, Hayden Sherman, Tríona Farrell and Frank Cvetkovic launches the series with “Case 01: We Are The Wounded”.

The series has the bullpen buzzing. Teaming up for this review is Matt (N.I. editor/Hops Geek News) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH podcast/NI editor In Chief). Let’s take a closer look at this series. *** POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING ***


MATT: The slow building tension used through narration in this story helps build our anticipation and intrigue. Gotham City is as much a living and breathing character as any human. Watters creates that by showcasing its dark, grimy, and unforgiving nature.

This opening issue may start slow. We progress through the book and into Batman’s expert detective capabilities. We’re met with a gruesome tale as a serial killer is on the loose. They are out to impart maximum pain on his victims. While we get answers to what is going on, we’re also left with new questions. It leaves us on the edge of our seats for the next issue.


KEN: Watters sets events in motion with a slow burn build. Walking readers through the initial start features a cold Gotham City. The writing builds off the unforgiving nature of Batman’s home. This ultimately leads into the latest victim of a a serial killer. Watters lays out the gruesome killing while giving Batman just enough clues to start investigating.

As the pace picks up, Watters adds more twists into the plot. Readers will appreciate the Alfred injections into the chapter. It is a factor sorely missed in current stories. Their conversation is classic, leading Batman into the final act. Once the killer is revealed, it spirals the case into a whole new direction. The closing page offers up a crack in the case, but leaves with much to ponder in the meantime.


MATT: Gotham is its own entity. Sherman and Farrell make the sludge and decay of this living city come to live in every panel. When we see Batman against the night, the team ensure his chest is lit up in bright yellow. It’s like they’re showing us the beacon against the crime underworld.

When the case begins to unfold the team do not shy away from the horror. They show in disgusting detail what this killer is doing to its victims. A body made into a pin cushion evolves into a frightening face behind the mystery. Our antagonist is ripped from a horrifying story filled with wounds and needles protruding. The artwork is astonishing and the gruesome details are nailed down expertly.

KEN: Sherman and Farrell craft a haunting feel for the streets of Gotham. The opening pages are a mix of near full images tagged with small panels. Readers feel a sense of uncertainty as Batman suits up. This leads to a fantastic credits page. The full image of the Bat signal in the sky kicks off the mystery in style.

Panel structure also keys in on the distorted view of events. The split full page reveals the victim and Batman with a dramatic flair. There is no shortage of tension as pages unfold. Nothing compares to the killer’s reveal. The near full page image pops off the page. It is not one for the squeamish. Events finally start slowing down at the final page. With a simple panel, much is revealed and questioned heading into the next issue.


MATT: 9.5. This is a Batman story turned into a horror film with inspiration from films such as Seven. Seeing Batman in this type of story is exciting because it’s not often he is thrust into this genre enough. This story is leading somewhere unknown which is exciting and makes it a must read!

KEN: 9.2. A horrific case welcomes readers into an exciting chapter of Batman’s past. Watters keeps readers walking the tightrope with the writing. Sherman, Farrell and Cvetkovic construct a terrifying glimpse though an inexperienced Dark Knight’s eyes. This case will have readers talking at the LCS and beyond.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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