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ThunderCats: Apex #1 – The New Face of the Franchise


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A mysterious figure roams a dystopian Third Earth searching for items and people. When this mysterious figure is revealed, it is not only earth shaking, but also an awesome setup for what’s to come in the ThunderCats Universe.

Credit: Dynamite Entertainment

ThunderCats: Apex #1

Written By Ed Brisson – Art By Rapha Lobosco

Colors By Roshan Kurichiyanil – Letters By Jeff Eckleberry

Edited By Nate Cosby – Published By Dynamite Entertainment

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Stranger in a Wasteland

We start off with a mysterious yet familiar in a way stranger. This stranger is searching for artifacts, including finding the Book of Omens. As he moves through the desolate desert, he is challenged by some bandits. Unfortunately for them, they don’t stand a chance against this stranger.

After brutally taking out the bandits, the stranger stops into a local watering hole in search of the location of MoleMaster. When the bartender tries to take him out, his face is revealed and even more shocking, he defeats the entire bar to get the info he seeks.

Now on the trail of MoleMaster, the stranger comes to the coordinates giving to him. Only to be ambushed and drug under ground by the Mole People. Once in their home, the stranger is finally confronted by the MoleMaster. This is when our stranger explains who he is and why he’s here.

Oh, What a Twist

ThunderCats: Apex #1 introducesus to one of the darkest and most badass characters in the entire ThunderCats Universe. This is a twist in the story that no one saw coming, but all will be rewarded with where this goes. Ed Brisson does an amazing job telling the origin story and revealing this tremendous character named Apex, well setting the table for what’s coming in ThunderCats moving forward.

The art in this book is impeccable and really captures the character and world we are in. Apex is one of the coolest character designs in all of comics. His look alone tells a tale without using words. Huge kudos to the entire creative team for creating a character that without a doubt will be one of the most important in franchise history.

Check Out My Review of ThunderCats #10

Final Thoughts

ThunderCats: Apex #1 is an awesome book and will go down as one of the most important books in not just franchise history, but also comic history. The table is set for an awesome upcoming arc and beyond. If you are not already reading ThunderCats, let this be your jumping on point, and add this series to your Pull List NOW! This is a must read and must own issue.

Final Grade: 10/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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