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G.I. JOE #1 by Joshua WilliamsonTom ReillyJordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)

A Legacy reborn. An elite fighting force has returned. With a history crossing over into pop culture via live action and animation, G.I. JOE has entertained fans for decades.

In its’ latest comic incarnation, it is one-third of a new trinity. Along with Void Rivals and Transformers, G.I. Joe centers the Energon Universe of Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics.

Spiraling from the pages of November 2023’s Transformers #2, the build-up began. What followed were four limited series spotlighting fan-favorites. Each carried its’ own distinct theme and had the fanbase demanding more. Almost a year later, the wait is finally over!

G.I. JOE #1 by Joshua Williamson, Tom Reilly, Jordie Bellaire and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics) kicks off a brand new chapter in the legendary fandom!

Teaming up for this review is Tom C. (“Play 4 Keeps”/N.I. Bullpen) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH Podcast/NI editor In Chief). Let’s not wait any longer and finally yell “YO JOE!” *** POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING ***


Ken: Talk about making a statement! Williamson gives both new and seasoned readers much to rave about with this chapter. The opening segment works to establish the initial team as they enter this new era. Using Duke as a narrator gives a unique perspective as to how he sees each member. The result instantly connects with the audience. In comparison, the COBRA introduction is more subtle and gives just enough to understand their motivations.

One character that looks to play a much bigger role is Risk. The brief welcome leaves quite the impression. Once that is completed, the pace picks up with no looking back. Williamson hits the gas as the action bolsters into high gear. The closing act brings out the best and worst of an inexperienced team. Stakes have been raised and just wait for what unfolds on the final page! It is a hell of a mic drop.


Tom: Gi Joe #1 Picks up where all the four prequel series ended. So you might be one rank behind but you’ll close ranks quickly. 

The choice of putting the team in the training simulation lets you know that “the team” is still trying to mesh together. It is a great way to show the big personalities. The writing adds to this massive undertaking of creating a new specialized unit. I’m a little dismayed at how they introduce Risk, the new character. He’s very much like John Wick, and I feel that taking three pages to introduce him was a bit much. I understand that GI Joe has 40 years of history, but introducing a new character in such a bold way finally undermined everybody else.

Speaking of the unit, each character’s introductions felt like they came out of the TV or movies. Quick panel to show who they are and what they do. You can go back and read that page with the Joes theme song playing and you’ll see what I’m talking about. 


Ken: Reilly and Bellaire steps back into the Joe world after an incredible run on DUKE. The team welcomes readers with a two page splash. From here, members get introduced with present and past panels. The flashback sequences pop with Bellaire’s coloring throughout the issue. It delivers on some insight and reminisce on the past series.

Once panels shift to COBRA, the mood changes. The brooding evil slowly emerges. It caps off with a near full page image of the Commander testing a new weapon. Closing that moment is a smaller but impactful panel of the Commander celebrating. The art team also welcomes Risk into the fold with a great action packed portion of the book.


The calm before the storm is greeted with a fantastic two page spread of Duke and Destro. This launches into the final act. No punches (or shots) are pulled as the intensity ramps back up. There are many incredible action images to have readers excited. Events conclude with a show stopping final page that throws everything in flux. The full page image is sure to keep fans on edge until the next chapter drops guaranteed!

Tom: The art is fantastic! Using tones to really convey the heft of the scene. When the Duke and the colonel were either in his office or outside on The Pit, it had this warm overtone. This worked both sides. Once, he was getting dressed down one side and then lifted up in the other. The same can be said for the behind-the-scenes with Cobra and Destro. There are extensive, vast black backgrounds that are extremely ominous.


Ken: 10. Mission accomplished. With its’ debut EU chapter, G.I. Joe delivers on every aspect fans could want. Williamson’s phenomenal writing weaves in the action and drama with ease. Reilly, Bellaire and Wooton construct some of the most high-octane action images in recent memory. Wherever your fandom starts, this issue will exceed your expectations (and its’ only the first issue)!


Tom: If you know me, I typically give EVERY #1 issue an 8.5 out of 10 BUT with this already having 20 prequel issues, is this really a #1? NOPE at least for me  

So….. GIJOE #1 is a 9.5 out of 10!

With the methodically crafted story and all the prequel series, GIJOE is lined up to be a fantastic modern take. Skybound understands that the Joe’s fans from the 80s and those who followed are now older, and we want a heavier story, but we also want a JOES story.

Skybound has excelled in using the decades of things in the toy box and is playing smartly with them! Introducing Springfield, The Vamp, and choosing to use lesser-known characters but also not pushing the envelope to introduce everyone else in the first issue instantly, like Snake-Eyes. 

You can check out my interview with Skybound from this years NYCC here!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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